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Narrator: After losing his dignity in the quickest and lamest pokemon battle of all times. Our protagonist now finds himself in front of a peculiar sight. Will he face the mysteries that lay ahead or will he escape like a pussy again? Let's find out!

(Edward's POV)

Edward: *sigh* I think we are safe already. Are you ok Charmeleon?

Charmeleon: *sigh* Char Char... *translating* "Yeah. That was close..."

Edward: Come back dude, you deserve a rest.

Charmeleon: Char *translating* "Thanks."

He says relaxed as there's no more danger before I put him back inside his pokeball.

Dammit! I could do nothing but run of that battle! I really wanted to face that douchebag and beat the crap out of him. But his Machamp was too strong. The level difference was clear, even Charmeleon who is the strongest amongst all my pokemon would have been smashed by only one of his punches... No no no! It's happening again! Every time that I think that I've become stronger something like this happens and makes me realize that I'm still nothing!

This whole situation made me remember all of my past failures.

Boy1: Is that all you've got loser?

Boy2: Ha that's just pathetic!

Girl1: Eh? He lost again? 

Girl2: When will he give up?

Painful memories flood my mind as I clench my fists in frustration.

Edward: No... If you think I'm done you're wrong idiots!

I yell with all my strength to the skies when suddenly.

Random guy: Eh... Are you ok?...


Well this is embarrassing.

Edward: Oh yeah- I was- just- Wait a second! Where did you came up?!

Random guy: Um.. from that pokemon centre... obviously.

He says as pointing to a pokemon centre in the middle of this rocky wasteland of route.


Edward: Eh?! Where did that come from?! How didn't I see it?!

Seriously. How didn't I notice an entire building in the middle of the road?! It's just like with those kids back in Viridian Forest! *sigh* Now that I think about it is actually very convenient. Since going back to Pewter City is no longer a choice. Mostly because I like my anal virginity and want to keep the little dignity I still have. Oh and I have to heal my pokemon as  well.

I silently walk and enter the Pokemon Centre which, I repeat, is in the middle of fucking nowhere! And walk straight to Nurse Joy.

Nurse Joy: Welcome to the Pokemon Centre! How can I help you?

Edward: Hi, I need my pokemon to be healed please.

Nurse Joy: Of course, they'll be ready in a couple of minutes.

Edward: Thanks.

Is all I say as I look to one of the PC's that are here and recalling the missed pokeball I decide to call Professor Oak and see if he has some answer to whatever happened to it... probably pokemon magic.

Edward: Well... here goes nothing.

I say as I turn on the PC and start calling Oak.

Oak: Who is-? Oh hello Edward! How is it going?

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