Venereal Ci- I mean! Viridian City!... yeah, Viridian City.

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Narrator: After separating temporarily of his friend and rival, our protagonist now finds himself in Viridian Forest, attempting to capture more pokemon and train so he can overcome the upcoming battle against Brock, the Rock Type Gym Leader. Will he be able to claim the Boulder Badge? Or will he still be a loser?

Edward: Hey!

Narrator: Let's find out!

(Edward's POV)

Edward: Stupid narrator, what does he does anyway? Just spying other people like some kind of creep. Fucking douchebag.

I caught a Rattata back there in Route 2. Not a challenge at all. I just pokeballed the shit out of him, but still, is one more pokemon for my team. I'm looking around the forest, it's kinda nice though. Just take a moment to appreciate the beauty of nature an-

Random Trainer: ...


Some creepy kid is staring at me right now.

Random Trainer: ...

This is weird. I need to act natural, maybe in that way he'll just go away. So I start to act the most natural possible... I start to whistle.

Edward: *"natural" whistling*

Random Trainer: ...


Ok, I'm tired of this shit.

Edward: What are you looking at you perv-

Random Trainer: Aha!

Edward: What?!

Random Trainer: You just made eye contact with me! So we must fight now!

Edward: What the fuck are you talking about?!

Random Trainer: Let the battle start!

*insert battling music here*

Edward: Wait! What's going on?! Where is that music coming from?!

Random Trainer: Caterpie I choose you!

Caterpie: Caterpie!

Edward: Fine! We'll kick your ass! Charmander I choose you!

Charmander: Char!

Random Trainer: Caterpie use String Shot!

Caterpie: Caterpie!

Edward: Charmander dodge and use scratch!

Charmander: Char! *translating* "Take this!"

Charmander dodges the String Shot and runs straight to Caterpie.

Random Trainer: Caterpie dodge!

Caterpie: Caterpie! *translating* "Take what?!"

Caterpie dodges Charmander's attack.

Random Trainer: Use String Shot!

Caterpie: Caterpie!

Edward: Charmander dodge and use Growl!

Charmander: *growling* Char!

Caterpie: Caterpie!

Random Trainer: Caterpie use String Shot!

Edward: i don't think so! Charmander Scratch!

Charmander: Char! 

Charmander quickly takes Caterpie by surprise scratches him, making him fall to the ground.

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