Diglettnam... ok, that was a pretty lame pun.

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Narrator: It is a new day in the Pokemon world, and just like the Sun greets the forest with his soft morning light, our ears are greeted with the annoying sound of the snorts coming out from our protagonists' camp. After dealing with some stupid and irrelevant partnership problems between both human and pokemon that nobody asked for, and discover that Squirtle is nothing but a helpless virgin just like his trainer. The day has finally arrived when Edward will face Lt. Surge and his fearsome electric type pokemon. Will he be able to be up to the challenge? Or will he lose like the worthless pussy I think it is? Let's find out!

(Edward POV)

The blinding light of the Sun shines over the stadium, all kind of people are screaming of excitement from the stands. I can feel the crushing pressure of the crowd all over my body as beads of sweat run through my body because of the scorching heat of the place. It's all down to this... just one pokemon stands on my way to the sweet victory as my opponent and his Gyarados glare intently at me and Charmeleon. Just one moment... one single chance!

???: Gyarados use Water Gun!

Edward: Dodge and use Metal Claw!

And just as his Gyarados let out a torrent of water accompanied by his mighty and scary roar, Charmeleon manages to barely dodge and with the speed of the lighting he swips his claw covered in metal in a single blow and for one second the time stops. The whole place is silent, but before a single noise could be made, his Gyarados let out a defeated scream before falling fainted.

Referee: The battle is over. Contender Edward wins!

The whole stadium falls into a frenzy.

Presenter: It's official people! We have a new World Champion!

Edward: I did it... I did it! I FUCKING DID IT!!!

And just like that, I'm living the happiest moment in my life, I can feel the tears go down my cheeks, also a strange feeling that someone is touching one of them for some reason, BUT I COULDN'T GIVE MORE OF A FUCK RIGHT NOW! I'M THE ARCEUS DAMN WORLD CHAMPION!

Crowd: Edward! Edward! Edward! Edward...

???: Edward.

Edward: Huh?

???: Edward!


Suddenly, my eyes shut open only to be met with the sight of a pale girl screaming in my face.

Ari: Wake up damn it! *SLAP!*

Edward: Aaaah! Arceus damn it!

I scream in pain as I push her away from me to then proceed to jump out of my sleeping bag and caress my left cheek that now is red as a tomato and burns like hell.

Edward: What the fuck is wrong with you?!

I say with watering eyes.

Ari: Me?! You are the idiot who was muttering like a crazy while drooling all over the ground!

At that late realization I clean up the stray of saliva that was coming out of my mouth.

Ari: Don't you have at least a little shame of making a lady wait?

She says full of herself.

Edward: Lady?! Bitch, you were snorting like a fucking Snorlax all night! I could barely sleep because of the noise!

As I say this, the memories of her incredibly loud snorts run through my mind. I can even assure that she moved the walls of the tent every time she inhaled, and almost blew them away each time she exhaled.

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