Vermilion dollar question... dude, I'm getting out of ideas for the tittles...

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Narrator: After losing almost all of his savings for college and sending an alarming amount of people and pokemon to the hospital because of electrocution without giving a fuck about getting in legal troubles. Our hero has finally battled Misty and won the Cascade Badge, teaching his partner a lesson she'll probably forget. Will Edward answer for his crimes against innocent people? What new challenges will come ahead? Let's find out!

(Edward's POV)

Ari: Uh...

Edward: Still not used to it?

I ask to her while an expression of discomfort appears in her face. After I defeated Misty we got out of the city and now are currently walking through Route 5. Our feet carries us slowly down the road as trees and brushes pass by.

Ari: Yeah. It's still hard to not get uncomfortable when his voice just suddenly appears.

She states a little embarrassed.

Edward: Meh, you'll get used to it in a few chapters.

I say indifferent.

Ari: What do you mean with... a few chapters?

Shit! I forgot she can't break the fourth wall.

Edward: Uh, nothing?

I say trying to hide my previous statement in order to divert her attention from this theme...

Ari: No, I mean, you just said that like if we were in a book or something.

... Obviously failing.

Ari: What did you mean with that?

She asks, annoyance starting to get present in both her face and tone. Fuck, at this rate she'll probably kick my ass just to get her answers. She is persistent, I'll give her that but I better make an excuse before she gets really pissed off.

Edward: Uh, no, is just, you like to read so, the analogy just came out, you know?,  just, I bet you'll do it sooner than later.

I say the first thing that came out of my mouth. One of the disadvantages of been really introverted, is the fact that I'm a shitty improviser when talking to people.

Ari: Hmm...?

She hmms and gives me a look that totally says "I don't buy any of your bullshit but I'll let you live for now".

Phew... that should do the trick for now.

Ari: What about the money?

Edward: What money?

Ari: He said you lost half of your savings to college. Is that true?

Edward: Nah, I mean, I did lost half of my money, because of you!, by the way.

Ari: You were the one who invited me, remember?

Edward: I-! Uh... Damn it!

Ari: *giggling* Guess I win this match.

She says with a big smirk on her face showing her confidence in her having the last word. Ohohoh, but this is not over yet cat eared perv.

Edward: Whatever, I can recover that money in no time. You on the other hand, couldn't beat a bug catcher even if your life depended on it.

Ari: T-That's, I-I!

She tries to argue while trying to hide the truth about her embarrassing situation.

Edward: Ha! Guess I win this ma-!

I try to say before she punches me in the stomach knocking the air out of me.

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