Sassy Pokemon Camp

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Narrator: After gaining Squirtle's trust, battling a guy who literally came out of a bush and probably hasn't bath in days, and confirming his female friend is even more retarded than what he imagined.

Ari: Hey!

Narrator: Our protagonist continues to make his way to Vermillion City, in order to face his upcoming challenge against Lt. Surge and his electric type gym. What surprises will come on the way? What kind of irrelevant shit will the author make us deal with before something important actually happens? Let's find out!

(Edward's POV)

Ari: Stupid incorporeal voice.

She says with a frown and an annoyed tone. We are still walking though Route 5, almost getting to the entrance of the underground path to Vermillion City, but after that battle I had against Chris, we got delayed. Damn it, at this pace we'll not make it to the city before night. Which means we'll probably have to camp, and now I have to deal with the narrator stupid jokes about us and a girl who'll probably explode in anger each time he makes fun of us. Urgh, what a drag...

Edward: Just try to ignore him.

I say indifferent as we continue walking.

Edward: He can't actually make anything to us after his presentation and before the end of the chapter.

Ari: There you go again with the "chapter" thing. Explain now, or I'm really going to start to get mad.

She says in an angry tone. Arceus damn it! Why did I brought that up again? Stupid brain, now I need to divert her attention again!

Edward: My point is, the idiot we have for narrator can't bother any of us, you just have to learn to go with the flow.

Ari: *sigh* I guess you are right...

She says in a more calmed tone.

Narrator: I wouldn't count on that jackass.

Edward: What?! You are still here?!

Narrator: Of course I am idiots! You'll never get rid of me! *whispering* "At least not until the story ends..."

Ari: Don't you have something better to do?! Like getting a life or something?!

Narrator: And losing the fun of driving both of you crazy? Bitch please.

Edward: Just ignore him, he'll get bored sooner than later.

Narrator: Wawawwawawawawawawwawwawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawa

The motherfucker just keeps saying this all the time to annoy us.

Ari: Are you sure?

She asks me with a worried tone and expression.

Edward: Yeah, he is not that smart, I mean, have you heard his jokes?

Chris: Um...

Suddenly, the guy who I totally forgot that was traveling with us interrupted our train of thought.

Chris: ... Are you two guys alright? ( ⚆ _ ⚆ )

He asks with a concerned tone.

Edward: Yeah, totally.

Ari: Yeah, why?

Chris: I don't know... maybe because you both started to talk out of nowhere?

Oh shit, just perfect, he can't hear him. He probably thinks we are on drugs or something.

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