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"dahyun ? is everything alright ?"  she back to sense when irene tapped her shoulder.

"oh it's nothing"


"okay i will call you back later" he hang up and turned around.

"wow dahyun you scared me" he hold his chest.

"can i talk to you ? i mean ask you something ?" he look at her with confusion.

"yea sure"


"don't you mind telling me something about your twin ?" he look at her before speak.

"oh i don't know much about her but i know a bit about her personality"

"mind telling me a bit ? it's okay if you don't want to"

"nah it's fine" he start to speak.

"she has a beautiful gummy smile when she laugh. she is really a material leader" he laugh.

"she understand me well. yea she sometimes good at aegyo. i miss her so much" he smile while tears start to build up but he wipe it away.

"how you guys separate with each other ?"

"my mother told me we got into a car crash cause of our dad. our parents got into a fight so my father cannot control his temper and the car lost control"

"i'm sorry to hear that jimin"

"nah it's nothing it's make me feel better sometimes talk about it with someone else"


"her personality fits jihyo unnie well" she thought of it.

well jihyo unnie it's not in the family my father found her all alone by herself at the alley so he adopt her.

"i need to fix this !"

"fix what eomma ?" woona stand straight at the door.

"what are you doing here sweetie ? should you have to sleep now ?" she lift her up.

"i want to sleep with you"

"you sure ? won't appa get mad ?" she nodded endlessly and dahyun chuckled.


"so girl how's your family trip ?" dahyun sit on the bed while eating a chocolate.

"it's nice i guess. today we are going somewhere"

"geez it's second day i wish today is the last day tho ! i miss you my sis"

"miss you too. by the way i discover something here"

"what is it ?" chaeyoung sounds excited.

"i don't know it's true or not but i think jihyo unnie is jimin's twin" after hearing that chaeyoung laugh in the phone.

"you are not kidding right ?" she try to control her laughter.

"yea bro come on"

"okay sorry" she stop laughing.

"why don't you help me ask jihyo unnie about her twin ? and his personality too"

"really ? me ?"

"yes ! please !"

"okay i will chat you later" she hang up. dahyun get ready and walk downstairs for breakfast.

"morning unnie !" yeji greet her.

"morning yeji ah !" she smile.

"dahyun ! can you help me here !" seulgi yell.

"sure !"


"you guys get ready we are moving to some place later"

dahyun went into her room.


she open the chat.


i already ask her

she said that yes before this she use to have twin and they got separate cause of parents divorce.

she don't know what happened to her twin and she lost hope after trying to find her twin.

until we meet her all alone and adopt her.

she said that he have a cute little face, he so cute when he smile his eyes cannot see when he laughing.

he understand her well. they use to hang with each other and keep each other secret.

he said she wish she will meet him back after a years.

she miss him so much damn much.

okay done :)

my work done :)

thank you sis

lub you

so that's mean it's true jihyo and jimin are twins ?!

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