Chapter 8

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 The weekend goes by fast and our last week of Sophomore year is finally here. Monday and Tuesday consist of us returning our textbooks and we get out early. On Wednesday we get out early because it's the last day of school, so we decide to go to the beach. Apparently everyone had the same idea because the beach is packed.

"Tatyana what are you doing it's officially summer, and you are reading?" Chelsea asks Tatyana.

"I know, but now that Thea and I aren't as close my parents want me to study for my driver's test so I can drive myself to school."

"Oh, that's cool when are you planning on taking it?"

"I don't know sometime this summer whenever I feel comfortable enough."

"You'll be fine I'm sure you'll pass it on the first try." We hang out under the shade while Chelsea sunbathes a little.

"Thea hasn't been going to school this week what's wrong?" I ask Tatyana

"She's been helping Kamran get ready for graduation and sending in last minute college applications."

"Is she still thinking about graduating early?"

"Of course, nothing has changed except she seems more annoyed with him, but still wants to graduate early."

"So what if they break up? Will she still go to school with Kamran?"

"I don't know we don't talk anymore, but Jordan I feel like you could change her mind."

"Tatyana I think Jordan is right it's not really up to any of us to get Thea to change her mind. We are all still teens we shouldn't have to worry about who is growing up too fast we need to enjoy our high school years. I mean look at Jordan and I we are juniors now, and you're a Sophomore it won't be like this much longer." Laine explains

"I guess, but I'd just rather not see my sister mess up her life."

"It's not something you should have to worry about." Laine grabs Tatyana's hand and pulls her towards the water.

"Laine I hate the ocean!"

"The ocean loves you, though!" A massive wave crashes and pulls them further out into the ocean Tatyana screams and pushes Laine deeper.

"I hope you drown!"

"Never let go Tatyana!"

"I let go a long time ago."

"Come back, come back!!" Tatyana laughs and runs back to wipe herself off with Laine's towel. We decide to get lunch and head to the same diner where Thea started to ruin her life.

"What are we going to do this summer guys? I think we should go on a road trip!" Chelsea looks at us excited

"I'm down to go on a road trip, I think we need a vacation from all of the drama." Tatyana says.

"My parents have an RV maybe we can go camping?" I suggest

"Well wherever we go make sure there's a lake so we can ride jet skis." Laine adds in

"Whatever we do this summer let's just make some memories." Tatyana says while drinking her milkshake

"How many parties are we going to this summer?" I ask

"Were we invited to any?" Tatyana looks at me funny

"Well, we were invited to some graduation parties, farewell parties, and end of summer bonfires."

"Well, we should only go to the ones that matter like the bonfires! The people who are throwing farewell parties we don't even know and it's probably going to be thrown by their parents. Who calls a party a farewell party? That's rich parents trying to be bougie as hell."

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