!-Chapter 3-!

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January 19, 2020
After school
3rd POV

Over the past 2 months, the two boys got closer, sometimes one would notice the other getting fluster. It was mostly just Izuku, but that was normal. Today marked the 3 month anniversary of the boys newly founded friendship and Katsuki had asked Izuku to meet him by the beautiful looking tree that was behind the school. Izuku had agreed, growing accustom to Katsuki wanting to talk alone.

Once school was over and Izuku had gathered all his stuff he went to the water fountain, got a drink of water, checked his notifications on his phone and then started to walk outside to meet up with Katsuki.

Once he got there he found Katsuki pacing back and forth, almost looking nervous.

He looked up to see Izuku and stopped pacing to look at Izuku instead.

"Kat, what's wrong?"

Katsuki knew he could just come right out and say it but he didnt know where to start.

"I just have something to tell you and it's been on my chest for awhile and it's made me slightly stressed but here goes nothing." As soon as those words came out of Katsuki mouth he just let the rest of them flow from his heart, hoping it would be enough. "From those nights that we walked in the park, or the pond, or went for ice cream, to the days you sat beside me when I was sick, to the days where we just sat on each others couches because we were bored, you were always there for me. You've seen me at my best and worst, and you handle any situation that comes toward you with ease," Katsuki stopped his kind of ranting to take a breath.

"Will you, Izuku Midoriya, become my boyfriend?" Izuku didnt trust any words that were to come out of his mouth at that point, scared he would start rambling, or his voice wouldnt let him speak at all, so instead he quickly nodded, tears shining in his eyes.

Katsuki immediately crashed his lips onto Izuku's.

It was a quick but passionate kiss. You could feel all the love Katsuki and Izuku were trying to pass onto each other. Like it was their first, and last kiss.

-----------------------time skip----------------------

January 20, 2020
3rd POV-

As the boys walked in the next day, hands interlocked, the class broke out into utter chaos.

"YOU OWE ME 10 BUCKS!" Ashido said, scratch that, screamed.

"JOKES ON YOU, URURAKA OWES ME 20!" Kaminari yelled right back.

The people who weren't giving each other money, or screaming, were asking Katsuki and Izuku question. When, where, how, why, who confessed, was it 'romantic'. This and that.

Katsuki lead Izuku through the crowd, hands still intertwined, towards their desks. They both sat.

After about 5 minutes of endless question and crowding around the boys' desks, Aizawa walked in.

"Alright, alright. I could hear you freaking out down the hall. One might have mistaken that as a villain attack, now take your seats and let me teach you this useless crap. Blah blah blah."

The boys didnt hear much of what Aizawa Sensei was saying because there was so much murmuring around them. It was making izuku more and more mad, he couldnt take notes and listen to this. He glared at all of them. That shut them up real quick, usually Izuku isnt very short tempered, in fact he is a very patient person, so if you made him mad you know you did something wrong.

Meanwhile, Katsuki was not taking notes. Why? Because he happened to be left handed, and he was reaching his left hand behind his desk to hold hands with Izuku. Or maybe he just wasnt interested.

Within, what seemed like minutes, the lunch bell rang and everyone packed up their things.

"Hey Izuku, you wanna grab a sandwich and take a walk around the garden?" Its then when Izuku takes out 2 sandwiches and reaches his hand out with a sandwich in one.

"Here. Ham and cheese, with mayonnaise and sourdough bread. Just the way you like it." He said with a close eyed smile.

Katsuki just smirked.

"You really are a nerd, arent you?" But deep down he was really touched. Izuku really cared enough to not only pack him a lunch but also know what his favorite was. He flushed the lightest pink and turned around, as to not embarrass himself. Izuku noticed.

"Let's get going then Kacchan!" Izuku said as he grabbed Katsuki's hand and half dragged him to the garden.

The garden was one of Izuku's favorite places to go when he needed to calm down. Or be happy after a sad or stressful day. Sometimes he will come when he was already happy. Just to make his day impossibly brighter. They arrived and the first thing both of them noticed were all the different colors of roses. Several different varities. Big, small, white, blue, orange. Neither could get enough.

Once Izuku was done staring he took off towards the roses that were blue and white. Izuku, being the innocent soul he was, separated from Katsuki so he could go to the white flowers. They were so clean. Not one rotting, or scratched up leaf were on those roses. Izuku picked one to give to Katsuki once they met up again.

Meanwhile, Katsuki was with the blue flowers. 'Such a perfect shade of blue,' he thought, 'deep enough to where, say, if Izuku was wearing one the blue would make his eyes pop, but not too deep, where it would attract all of the attention to the flower instead of Izuku. They truly are perfect.' Katsuki finally found the perfect one and picked it. Afterwards he started walking back towards Izuku, over by the white roses.

Just then the bell rang, their heads shot up towards each other. They were going to be late, they knew it. They both grabbed the respective flowers for each other and ran, ran like their lives depended on it because in the hero course you never know what will happen.

Once they got into the class room Aizawa looked at them.

"Care to explain boys?"

"No." And Katsuki once again pulled them to their seats.

Once Aizawa got back to the lesson Katsuki turned around in his chair.

"I got this for you, makes your eyes stand out." Katsuki said whilst leaning back in his seat on two legs, (My teachers get so pissed when I do this lmao) holding out the flower.

Izuku smiled one of his bright smiles and takes the flower, whole handling one right back.

"I got one for you too! It was made for you!" Izuku said while giggled, quietly so they didnt get in trouble.

"Tch, nerd." Katsuki said while taking the flower. Izuku knew he didnt mean it because there was a large smile right on his face. Rare.

"Katsuki, Izuku. Pay attention or get out. We dont have time for this today. Everyone get change and meet All Might at the training fields."

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