!-Chapter 9-!

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3rd POV-

"Call me Shoto." Izuku turned his head towards Shoto to ask what he meant but before he could say anything Shoto gently placed his lips onto Izuku's.

Izuku's POV-

OMG! Todo- Shoto is kissing me. I am kissing Shoto. Shoto and I are kissing. Together. As a couple. I never thought this day would come. We broke for air but I went back for round 2 as Shoto grabbed my chin pulling my face upwards to give him more access. Shoto leaned over to get into a comfortable position, breaking for air then going back in again. This time Shoto swiped his tongue along my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I gave him access, not even putting up a fight. His tongue immediately explored my mouth with his newly given freedom, exploring every single inch.

We soon broke apart again, in desperate need of air. As we pulled back slightly there was a string of saliva connecting our lips, neither of us cared though. I just looked into his eyes getting lost until I felt a dip in the bed beside me.

Kat was now on the bed beside me and sat Shoto down at the foot of the bed by pulling him.

Katsuki whispered a faint 'My turn.' before grabbing my face, cupping it with his hands pulling his face towards me before he started kissing me.

Katsuki's POV-

I cupped his face with my hands and kissed him. He brought his hands up to my wrists and held them, lightly. I smoothly swiped my tongue along his bottom lip. He playfully denied. I gently nibbled on his bottom lip as he moaned into the kiss. I took the opportunity to slip my tongue in exploring everywhere, just as Todoroki had done seconds ago.

I slowly let go of Izuku with my left hand, my right hand still cupping his face, and leaned my left hand back to Todoroki.

He grabbed his hand, gently kissing the top of every finger.

I gasped. I definitely wasnt expecting that. Todoroki broke the kiss by pulling me back to him, me basically laying in his lap, him still kissing my fingers at a teasing pace. He got to my palm and kissed it before slowly moving up my arm.

"That was hot you know. Watching you and Izu make out. I almost got jealous." He had made it to Katsuki neck by now and his talking sent hot breath down the back of my shirt. I whimpered. Didnt think that was going to happened welp-

"Oh, like that, do we?" Todoroki said in a teasing tone. "Well sadly we are still in a hospital, and, as much as I want to keep going just to see how flustered you and Izu get, I'm pretty sure the doctor is coming." And with that, Todoroki got up and went to sit on the chair while reading a magazine. I looked over at Izuku and sure enough, he was red as a tomato.

"Just wait till you get better baby boy. We can have a lot more.. sessions like that." I whispered in his ear then got up. I stood up but realized there was no more seating. Todoroki must have noticed too.

"Come here, I wanna sit in your lap anyways." Todoroki said while standing up, not taking his eyes of the magazine.

I made my way over and plopped down into the seat as Todoroki gently sat in my lap. I put my arms around his slim but firm waist and rested my head on his shoulder to see what he was reading.

It was silent for a few minutes, until I heard a soft snore coming from the bed.

Of course Izuku was asleep. Whatever. When the doctors come I guess we will talk to them. Then I noticed Todoroki had to magazine on his chest and slow heavy breath was all you could hear from them.

I sighed. These guys are ridiculous. To be fair they hadent slept in weeks though. So I got up and carried Todoroki over to the bed and sat him beside Izuku letting them sleep while I walked out trying to find a doctor.

"Hello, yes, I'm here for Izuku Midoriya. He was just admitted into the hospital." He said once he finally found the doctor he talked to earlier.

"Are you family?"

"No, his only parent went on a business trip weeks ago. She works for a huge company. So I am the only one hear for him. I was just wondering how hes doing, and when he may be permitted to leave."

"Oh yes, Izuku will be able to leave tomorrow. Of course, on crutches, and you will be given medication and bandages to keep good care of the injuries. He will come back to the nurses we have here in about a month to make sure everything is ok. If everything goes on schedule he should be walking again in about 2 months."

"Ok, thank you very much. Have a good day."

3rd POV-
Time skip To Tomorrow Morning-

Izuku was given the crutches and medication, as well as bandages. He was told he needed to rewrap the wounds everyday. Morning and night. As well as use the disinfectant cream and anti pain meds.

Izuku made an appointment to come back in exactly a month and then they were on there way.

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