!-Chapter 13-!

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-3rd POV-

After all their classes were done the boys went back to Todoroki's dorm. All their minds were in a different world, Shoto thinking that his boys would stop loving him for the choices he made, for his scars, now that they knew the truth. Izuku thinking about how he loved his boys even more, now that he knew what Shoto had been through, he was just going to have to love them both even more. Katsuki was just about over it. He could tell the shock on Izuku's face had vanished completely but Shoto wouldn't look up, he looked sad. So Katsuki was forming a plan. Once they got to the rooms Shoto quietly opened the door and walked to his bed, sitting with his knees to his chest.

Izuku quickly gave Katsuki an exchanged look, letting him know that it was Katsuki's turn to calm Shoto down. So Katsuki quickly put his plan into action.

"Baby." Katsuki directed his voice specifically to Shoto, so he knew Katsuki was talking to him. Shoto peeked up, eyes slightly red and puffy. "Can you do me a favor and take off your shirt?" Izuku looked at Katsuki like he was crazy, but Izuku didnt interfere.

"Please baby, to make me happy?" Shoto hesitated for a second but then slowly started to take of his shirt. Unbuttoning the buttons. Once his shirt was off, he quickly put his knees back to his chest, trying to hide himself.

Katsuki then started to walk to the bed, and sat on the edge, scooting closer to Shoto. Katsuki slowly reached for Shoto, untucking his knees from his chest. Shoto didnt put up a fight but he whimpered slightly, afraid of what Katsuki was going to do. To Shoto's shock, all Katsuki did was sit there, laying Shoto onto his back, and traced Shoto's scars.

"Babe, I would never hate you for your scars. These only tell me what I already know, that you are incredibly strong. Even though I hate to admit it, your stronger than me too." Katsuki chuckled a little bit, then bent down and kissed one of his scars, close to his stomach. "Strong." Then kissed another. "Beautiful." Then another. "Genuine." Then another. "Caring." Then Katsuki moved to the words Shoto had written and kissed them too, "You're not a burden." Katsuki said while still kissing each letter of the scar. He continued this until ever scar and word that was written on Shoto was kissed.

Afterwards, Katsuki looked up to see Shoto crying, blushing, and frowning. He looked like a mess. Then, Katsuki set out on his next task, sitting Shoto up.

"You are an amazing boyfriend and I love you so much." Katsuki said right before kissing all of Shoto's tears. Then Katsuki kissed him. "You know that right?" He asked and kissed Shoto again. "That you're the best." This time when he pulled back Shoto was smiling slightly.

"You're the sweetest person there is. Honestly." Katsuki went in for another sweet, short kiss, just this time Shoto pulled him in, kissing back. They were both smiling. They were going to continue until they heard soft snores from the door. Katsuki looked up to see Izuku's head against the door, sitting his back against the door as well. He had fallen asleep, again, but to be fair, it had been a long day. So Katsuki got up, sighing slightly, and picked up Izuku, putting him on the bed. When Katsuki wasnt looking Shoto got a huge dizzy spell, and thank the Gods that he wasn't standing up, knowing that he would have probably fallen down. He, again, quickly hid it though, afraid of what Katsuki would say.

Just then, a wave of exhaustion went through Shoto. His eyes closed but he quickly opened them, half way at least. Katsuki must have noticed.

"Get some sleep baby. We have school again tomorrow." Katsuki was right. So he laid back, and once Katsuki was on the bed, he cuddled into him, while Izuku was cuddling into Shoto.

Heavy breathing was heard from Katsuki. Even so, Shoto couldnt sleep.

Well great. Another restless night.

And he was right. He stayed up until 5 AM, and when he finally fell asleep, we was awoken a few minutes later by the alarm clock.

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