!-Chapter 15-!

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-3rd POV-

Katsuki was, of course, the first to awake from the boys' nap at around 3pm on the same day. He decided to just sit there, thinking, and enjoying the company of his 2 boys, even if they were asleep.

How did I end up so lucky, two of the most beautiful boys in the world want to be with a hot headed bastard like me, I must have done something really special to pull that one off.

After Katsuki got tired of thinking he decided to get up and brush his teeth. for some unknown reason, and change, just to feel fresh after taking an almost all day nap. He walked out the find Izuku and Shoto stirring from their sleep, Izuku had somehow moved to the bed while Katsuki was gone and was now being spooned by Shoto, legs tangled, Izuku pulled against Shoto's chest while holding hands kind of, so Katsuki did what every loving and kind boyfriend would do, he took a picture before they woke up fully. He must have forgotten to turn off the sound because after he took the picture the two boys shot up, eyes wide, looking at him. He smiled.

"Couldnt resist, sorry." Katsuki said shrugging, still smiling.

Shoto was about to say something back but was interrupted by the intercom system going off, as Aizawa's voice could be heard.

"Anyone in the hero courses throughout the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd years that is on campus and is hearing this please take your time to go downtown. There was a villian attack and the heroes need help. Anyone who may be going will be calm and do as the heroes ask. Again, anyone in the hero courses from 1st, 2nd, or 3rd years report to downtown."

Katsuki, Shoto, and Izuku were already in their hero outfits and out the door, only to see that everyone else in class 1-A was getting ready too.

"We all ready?" Ashido asked.

There was a series of 'yeah's and 'yes's throughout the group as the March to the downtown area, there they found villians and heroes everyone. A lot of them injured, some still fighting. All bloody and bruised so everyone in 1-A did as they were taught in training, they stayed calm and assessed the situation.

"Ok, Momo, Mina, Uraraka, Asui, your all on medic. As are you, Sero. Izuku, Bakugou, and Kirishima will be on saving people under the rubble, or buried under the stone. Make sure to get them over to the medic stations. Everyone else is fighting, stay safe. Alright, let's do this." Iida said, backing away. As everyone went to do their assigned jobs. Iida may have come across as bossy in the class room, but aside from Izuku, he was the most practical on the battle field. Everyone saw what he was doing, the people with the strength were helping people under debris, and the people who didnt have good long rage fighting quirks had were assigned to medics. In all honesty, it was genius, and once they were through with this they would all praise Iida later.

Kirishima used his quirk, already digging into a collision with screams of a few young kids coming from inside.

"Its ok, your gonna be ok. I'll get you all outta there and then we can go get hot chocolate, ok?" Even in the face of danger, serious danger, Kirishima knew how to make people feel ok. He truly was going to be a great hero.

Izuku and Katsuki went over to one of the larger buildings with a few more screams for help, all sounding like adults.

"Kacchan, we are gonna have to go inside. We cant tear this down, it could collapse on everyone inside." And Katsuki knew he couldnt disagree. It was just the idea of going inside the collapsed building wasnt setting well with him. Nevertheless he climbed in after Izuku, staying together until they found the people, then went the separate ways to get them to safety.

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