!-Chapter 1-!

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Quick before we start with the story! Wattpad swapped my chapters 2 and 3, so pay attention because right now my chapters are 1, 3, 2, so just be careful lol. Hope you have fun reading my book though!

Izuku's POV-

How did I go from being happy with Kacchan to this? Where did it take such a turn? Sorry. I'll rewind for you guys.

-3 months ago-

3rd POV-

"Will you, Izuku Midoriya, become my boyfriend?" Izuku didn't trust the words that were about to come out of his mouth, scared he would start rambling, so instead he quickly nodded, tears shining in his eyes.

Katsuki immediately crashed his lips onto Izuku's-

(You haven't gotten there yet? ..I suppose we should go back a little further than that.)

-3 months earlier-

October 17, 2019
3rd POV-

Izuku woke with a start, only to realize the beeping was only his alarm clock, reminding him it was time to get up and go to school. Izuku had been happy to get to school lately, as a certain ash blonde had stopped yelling at him recently and started being a little more ..gentle?? He didn't know the word, but maybe he and the blonde could start over.

Izuku threw the covers off him and went over to his dresser, found his school uniform and went to the bathroom to change and brush his teeth. Once he was done with his usual routine he looked at his watch. It was 8.

I should probably get going or I'll be late for sure. And with that he scrambled downstairs grabbed the toast his mom gave him, hugged her, said goodbye, a left for school. Lucky for him, he didn't live too far away.

Once he was there he went to his desk and took out his hero notebook, jotting down a few things he noticed yesterday about Mt. Lady's quirk that he hadn't had time to write.

Katsuki pulled him out of his thoughts as he stood in front of the greenette's desk, hands in pockets, with a face of indifference as he looked towards Izuku.

Izuku's POV-

I was almost surprised when I didn't get the normal hand slap on my desk, or him yelling at me, or, even, the tiniest explosions that were no where to be seen. Almost. I knew better by now, I think Kacchan is really trying to change.

"Goodmorning Kacchan! How was your walk to school?" I asked Kacchan, with one of my smiles. I remember someone telling me my smile alone brightened their day once.

"It was good Deku, I was actually wondering something." I looked at him with a face full of innocence and curiosity with the slightest hint of worry. He must have noticed because he said, "Oh no, it's nothing bad. Just a question. Would you maybe want to be friends again? Start a new?"

"Yes!" This is what I have wanted for so long! I'm so happy he has finally opened up to the idea!

Kacchan's POV-

I asked it, I asked the question. He is gonna say no, I mean I don't even have the rights to ask after all those years of bullying him. Why would be want to be my frien-

"Yes!" I look up surprised. He said yes. He actually said yes. I can't believe it.

"Okay, cool. I guess I will see you at lunch then. Cya." I turned around and sat at my desk still unsure of why Dek- Midoriya said yes. But who cares. He said yes and I'm gonna take it.

3rd POV-

And so for the past few weeks, Katsuki and Izuku hung out, getting closer by the minute, even closer than when they were kids. Katsuki found out things he never knew about the greenette, such as, Izuku had taken a particular interest to drawing. And vise versa, the innocent cinnamon roll learned that the ash blonde only drank black coffee, and doesn't take a particular interest to cold soba, but will eat it. And so here we are today..

November 17, 2019
Deku's POV-

Kacchan set down his jacket on the bench since no one was here, saying he would get it later. Kacchan and I were walking by a pond we had recently discovered. It was beautiful, not a lot of people new about it. As for the people that did, well they only came in the day time.

Right now it was 7:49. All the stars were out. The fireflies were out as well, zooming around me and Kacchan, lighting the place up.

And then, of course, me being my clumsy self slipped on an out of place rock and was about to face plant. Key word, about. Luckily Kacchan was accustomed to this by now and caught me, spinning around, successfully catching me. But Kacchan spun with too much momentum and before I knew it him and I were falling in the water.

When I came back up I started laughing hysterically, soon after Kacchan did the same. Once we were done laughing Kacchan got out and offered me a hand up, and at the last second I pulled Kacchan back it the water.

"How dare you!" He said with a fake disbelief in his voice and a huge smile on his face. I love it when he smiled. It was rare, and only something he let me see.

He pulled me out of my thoughts as he activated his quirk underwater sending a miniaturized tsunami towards me. (You know, like when you were kids and you played in the bathtub making waves. Kinda like that but bigger.)

-time skip, brought to you by Midoriya's freckles-

3rd POV-

Once Izuku and Katsuki were done with there water fight, they got out of the pond, afraid of making to much ruckus incase anyone could hear them.

Katsuki noticed that Izuku was shaking, so he walked Izuku over to the bench and wrapped his coat around Izuku.

Izuku blushed. Why am I blushing? Kacchan is a friend. Is he more than that? Am i..gay? I mean, i guess it would make sense, I've never shown interest in girls like that, but that doesnt mean I like Kacchan. Plus he wouldnt like me back, so is it really worth falling further if he isnt going to catch me.

As Izuku mumbled on and on, Katsuki stayed quiet, listening. Katsuki's blush got worse and worse as Izuku mumbled on, he had to admitt When Izuku was done mumbling he looked up and smiled.

"Kacchan, wont you be cold? You could get sick!" Katsuki couldnt help but smile at Izuku for being worried, to be honest it was pretty cute.

"Dont worry Midoriya, I'll-"

Izuku hit my shoulder slightly, "I told you to call me Izuku, or, even better, call me Deku. It doesnt sound natural when you say my normal name."

"But that name was given to you to show of how 'useless' you were." Katsuki said, putting air quotes around useless, while putting his head down in shame of the past.

"Yes but it kept me going, it made me confident that I could get here and become a hero. And look at me now."

Izuku lifted Katsuki's chin with his index finger so he would look at him.

"We had our rough years but we are putting those behind us now, remember. We are friends now."

Katsuki looked away blushing, smiling a little but Izuku saw the tip of his ear go red. With that Kasuki mumbled a little 'lets get out of here before we get sick', and they were off.

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