!-Chapter 5-!

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January 28, 2020
3rd POV-

Before the boys knew it, they had been together for 6 days. It felt like so much longer, although they were so close for those 3 months, it was almost as if they were together.

Throughout the 6 days the two boys had felt things they hadnt known they could feel. Before it was like they were each others Sun and Moon, they always worked in sinc but could never be together. Now it's like nothing would tear them down. They were each others walls, supporting each other until the very end.

There were times the boys tried to describe this feeling to the other, but they could never really understand the type of belonging they felt with each other, or the sence of safety or security. They both made the other feel so special. And yet they could never tell the other.

-later in the commons-

"Hey, Kat! Tomorrow marks the point of us being together for a week, what do you wanna do?" Izuku asked.

"Why dont we go to the park or something, maybe a movie if that sounds good to you?"

"Sounds perfect Kacchan!"

"I cant believe you still call me that Izu, I mean, come on, grow up a little." Katsuki said with a little chuckle.

"You're no fun at all!"

"Awe, you know I love you."

They both froze, they were both trying to remember if they had ever said that to each other. Izuku snapped out of it and walked over to the taller Male.

"I love you too, my beautiful, explosive boyfriend." Izuku said with a light giggle escaping his lips.

Katsuki visibly relaxed, knowing he hadnt gone to far.

Since there was no school today or tomorrow, due to 'teacher planning or whatever' (Katsuki's words) Izuku and Katsuki spent the rest of the day cuddled in the main room watching TV.

Occasionally someone would come down to get a snack but not often.

Katsuki was about to get up and get a snack for himself until he heard light snoring coming from his lap.

Sure enough, there laid Izuku, sound asleep in Katsuki's lap.

Katsuki's POV-

I sighed, not wanting to wake up Izuku I let him rest in my lap while I watched the random shows that came up. 

In the middle of me watching Frozen 2, and me whisper yelling that the whole movie basically symbolized that Icy-Hot bastard (let's be real though..😂), Izuku woke up with a small, adorable yawn. He sat up a little and yawned again, stretching this time. I paused the movie and gave Izuku my full attention.

"What time is it?"

....thank god it was dark because I start blushing like a fricking maniac. His voice was raspy, you could tell he just woke up. But it was hot.

"U-uh, i-it's just ab-out 10 I think.." Fuck. I fucking stuttered. That's soooooo amazing.

He giggled a little, "You should probably turn off the TV, it's getting late. Come on, let's go to bed." With that he got up off of me entirely. I turned off the TV and went to the kitchen to get myself a glass of water. I could hear Izuku shuffling around out there.

When I got back out Izuku was kind of walking? to the stairs to go back up stair to my dorm. 

I walked up behind him and picked him up bridal style, he was going wayyyyy to slow for my taste. He didnt even fight as we walked up.

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