!-Chapter 14-!

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-3rd POV-

Soon after waking up, Shoto found out it was a teachers grading day so they didnt have school. So instead he was walking to Aizawa's classroom to hand in a paper that happened to be a little late. When he got there he wasnt anywhere to be seen so Shoto just stood and waited.

After a few minutes he got tired of waiting so he sat down the paper, walking out of the classroom.

One of the biggest dizzy spells Shoto had ever had just dawned out of no where. Shoto trying his best to stay up right failed, falling over hitting his head on the ground, hard, and passed out.

-Katsuki's POV-

"Wheres Shoto?" I asked, suddenly realizing he never came back from handing in his paper to Aizawa Sensei.

"I dont know. Havent seen him since he left." Izuku said, obviously not worried. Not because he didnt care, just because he knew Shoto could take care of himself.

"I'm gonna go see if I can find him real quick." I said before heading towards Aizawa Sensei's classroom.

I turned the corner and was confused at what I was seeing, but immensely worried. Shoto was on the ground, groaning quietly rubbing his head while whimpering in what I could only assume was pain.

I ran over.

"Hey, are you ok Sho? I was worried, what happened?" I asked quickly touching his head to make sure there were no physical bumps, then realizing how hot he was. I mean temperature wise, although I'm not denying that Todoroki doesnt always look hot but now isnt the time to worry about that. Back on topic, he was burning up, bad.

"Ok, you'll be okay. I'm gonna bring you back to our room and I'll take care of you." I picked him up and carried him back to what I liked to consider was our dorm and knocked. Izuku answered and instantly started to worry.

"You guys have got to stop carrying each other into out room like it's nothing. You are both constantly scaring me!" Izuku sputtered out, going on and on.

"He'll be fine." I said as I got out ibuprofen and a wet washcloth to put on his forehead, and of course a water bottle. I sat there tending to his needs, trying to get his temperature under control for a few minutes. Finally it seemed back to normal, but I needed to wake up Todoroki so he could swallow the pills for his fever.

"Sho, you gotta get up." I said in a soft, quiet tone, gently shaking him. Once his eyes were open I handed him the glass of water and the 2 pills. He swallowed them obediently.

"How do you feel?"

"Like shit. Absolute fucking shit." This surprised me honestly, I wasnt expecting him to say that, to say the least.

"Well your fever is down, you just need rest."

"Yeah yeah, whatever."

"Wow, I really am rubbing off on you." I said with a teasing tone.

"Dont feel too honored. I'm going to sleep now."

"Sleep well baby." I said kissing his forehead. He was fast asleep by the time I lifted my head. I chuckled.

"See Izuku, perfectly fine." I looked over to see Izuku standing there with his head down to the ground. Silent tears were running down his face.


"Do you love me as much as Shoto?"

This question took me by surprise, how could I not love them both equally. They both have half of my heart and i would never love one more than the other.

"How could you even think like that? Izu, you have both taken half of my heart, and I could never have one person take more than there share of my heart. Ever. My feelings for you are just as strong as they are for Shoto." I attempted to reach out for Izuku's cheek, to wipe his tears and comfort him but he back away from my touch. It wounded me, knowing that he truly was mad.

"You never talked to me like that, you never look at me like that. You're always looking at him." Izuku sobbed out.

"I'm so sorry Izuku, I didnt know you felt this way. You should have told me sooner. The only reason I've been looking at him is because I wanted to make sure he was ok, hes been off for like a week now. And I only talk to him like that because I want to get to know him more. Sure I may love him, but I know next to nothing about him. You, I know you better than you know yourself. Your favorite candy is Carmel. Your favorite place is the lake. Your favorite person is All Might. Your favorite movie is the Greatest Showmen, and when your alone you sing and dance along to the songs. You want to be a hero when you grow up so you can help people, help them cope with their fears. You want to save lives. Plus don't think I didn't notice you getting ride of those crutches so soon."

"You may know all that but you havent payed attention to me for this whole week."

"Oh really, on our date after school on Monday, to the cafe, you wore black skinny jeans and Shoto's hoodie. It went down to your thighs, and you wore your black Air Jordan Retro 12's. You even had your middle finger painted light pink on your left hand, I just assumed you were playing with the little kids at the park again. On Tuesday, after school when we were getting groceries for the common room because it was our turn, you had your bangs clipped back with a silver clip, with light blue, high waisted, ripped skinny jeans and one of my hoodies on. On Wednesday, you woke up and you were wearing an adorable All Might onesie, complaining that it was to cold, so you put of my sweatpants and Shoto's hoodie over the onesie. On Thursday you woke up and tried to brush your hair while brushing your teeth, complaining that you were going to be late. Then you forgot to put on your uniform, as you were wearing one of my tank tops, black sweatpants, a watch, and black high tops. And today you put on a beautiful green and teal dress that was knee level, skin tight until, about your bellybutton, then it frailed out into a ball gown type skirt when you thought we were asleep." I winked. "You should wear that again sometimes by the way. But the fact is, is that I love you all the same. You are both my baby boys and nothing in the world is going to change that."

Izuku was somewhere in between crying, blushing, sad, happy, smiling, and frowning all at once. I reached out again, and Izuku didnt pull back.

"Come here." I say quietly, realizing now that Shoto was, hopefully, still asleep. I gently pull Izuku to the chair by the bed. I sit down and pull Izuku into my lap. He curled up immediately, his head to my chest, and legs curled up in my lap. Its times like this I remember how much smaller Izuku is than me.

"I love you baby boy, I always will. Remember that." I say in his ear quietly. 

"I love you too Katsuki." Izuku mumbled.

"You can not possibly be tired, we got up a few hours ago." I laughed.

"But I am ok. I've been scared all week. I havent been getting the best sleep."

"Ok baby, take a nap. I'll see you when you wake up."

-3rd POV-

The peace of the silence around him and the warmth of the boy pressed against his chest eventually led to Katsuki falling asleep too.

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