!-Chapter 4-!

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January 20, 2020
3rd POV-

As the class walked out to the training field, they saw All Might waiting for them.

"Ah! You're all out at last! We are going to be doing 1 on 1 battles once again, I have noticed you all improve more while fighting. Here is the list for partners, you may come up and see who you got when your ready. Please spread out throughout the different training spaces. Anyone who isn't on the lost will be doing obstacle courses today."

And with that he tacked the list of the wall and walked away.

Katsuki pushed everyone out of his way, and looked at the list. He was almost worried. He was paired with his sweet cinnamon roll, but he knew when it came down to it he wouldnt fight Izuku, he would give his life for Izuku.

But nonetheless they were partners so they had to participate in the fighting exercise. Katsuki looked over at Izuku.

"Oi, nerd, you're with me."

Izuku gave him one of his beautiful closed eyed smiles and walked up next to him. They decided to take a training field that was a little father from the rest of their classmates. As they were walking they noticed Todoroki was paired with Momo, Ashido was paired with Iida, Ochako was paired with Asui, and since Mineta wasnt here today, Sero, Kaminari, and Kirishima were paired to take turns fighting.

Izuku and Katsuki finally took their places on the training field and got into fighting stance.

"I may love you, you nerd, but I will not be holding back." Katsuki yelled, only loud enough for Izuku to hear.

"I would hope not Kacchan, that would ruin your whole 'I'm super angry and the best at everything' vibe." Izuku laughed.

Katsuki didnt even have the heart to be mad at the small greenette. He even cracked a small smile, and that's all the greenette needed before he started to charge at Katsuki while he was caught off guard.

He started off with an illusion of a right hook, and while Katsuki was in the correct position to dodge, Izuku changed his body position and landed behind Katsuki. Izuku struck him in the back. Not too hard but hard enough to make Katsuki fall to the ground.

Katsuki quickly shrugged off his shock and got up.

"That was cold." Katsuki said right before he went in and did a left hook, the only move that no one knew about. Well no one except Izuku now. That caught him off guard, as he wasnt expecting Katsuki could do that, but quickly pulled himself out of his Hero Analysis world and jumped up as he dodged. Katsuki saw this, so he reached his right arm behind him and shot a blast of his quirk that successfully hit Izuku in the chest and knocked him back.

Katsuki looked back to see Izuku's chest red and blistered. He had meant to hit him but he didnt realize he powered his quirk to the level.

"Omg, Izu are you ok? I'm so sorry."

"I thought you said you weren't going to hold back, this is a practice battle. Are you going to stop in the middle of a fight and ask if the villain is ok?" Izuku said as he charged once again.

-----------------------time skip----------------------

Kacchan's POV-

After the fight was over I stopped what I was doing, got up from the ground and went over to Izuku. He insisted that I use my full strength, I hadn't intended it but Izuku was going harder than expected so I went my full strength. Now my poor Izu is covered in burn marks and cuts. Some bleeding a little to heavily for my liking.

"Come on, Izuku. We are going to Recovery Girls office."

"I'm fine I promi-"

"Nope I dont care, I tried my hardest in that battle like you asked me to now I am taking you to the nurses office." I picked him up bridal style and started to carry him past the others. Most were still fighting so we were somewhat invisible to the others.

"Kacchan, you look worse than I do." Izuku giggled a little.

Ok so maybe he beat me, but I think it was a tie. We both looked pretty bad.

By the time we got to Recovery Girls Office Izuku was passed out in my arms.

I gently set him down on the bed, and pulled up a chair. I sat down and played my head on his chest, as I grabbed his hand, and, not long after, I was asleep as well.

3rd POV-

Recovery Girl walked into her office to the surprising sight of Katsuki holding Izuku's hand while Izuku was asleep on the bed and Katsuki was half way on, as to not disturb Izuku.

Recovery Girl, being the nice Nurse she is, put Katsuki on the bed fully, and afterwards she took out her phone and took a picture. She scurried away, closing the door gently behind her before the two could discover her.

A few hours later, Recovery Girl came in to see Izuku and Katsuku awake and sitting against the headboard against the wall on the bed. They were talking quietly and laughing here and there, weird, Recovery Girl thought, since when does Katsuki ...smile?

She pulled herself out of her thoughts and walked over.

"Anything I can do for you boys?" Before Izuku could even process the question Katsuki answered.

"Actually, yes. He needs a quick check up, just on the minor injuries around his body. Just for precaution."

Izuku was done trying to fight him on this so he let Recovery Girl make sure he was ok, then insisted she did the same for Katsuki.

Afterwards the boys went to Katsuki's dorm. Izuku had spent many nights there throughout their friendship, and recently especially now that they were together, so he already had the things he needed, as he just decided to keep a toothbrush and some clothes in Katsuki's room. He changed and laid on the bed. Izuku was immediately asleep.

Katsuki did the same, he would cook dinner when he woke up. After all it was pretty early but a nap would do them both good.

So Katsuki got in the bed.

"Goodnight Izu." Katsuki whispered, softly pushing the hair out of his eyes and kissing his forehead.

Minutes later he was asleep as well.

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