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Finally decided I wanted to write a happy ending to this book.

I had a lot of plans for this one. I had quite a few people ask me about a possible sequel, some wanted KiriTodo, others wanted to keep it TodoBakuDeku. I just decided to do an epilogue to end it on a slightly happier note because I have too many other stories going on right now.

This is one of the books I am going to go over and completely rewrite to my style now and edit spelling and grammar errors. It's a slow process, I have quite a few books right now, but I'm getting there.

Alright- here we go

3rd POV

Shoto spent days after the incident stuck inside his room. He wouldn't attend school, he wouldn't go back home- he just stayed in Katsuki's dorm with Izuku's plushies and blankets.

He was.. a mess.

After having the two things he loved most ripped away from him, he genuinely didn't want to survive.

He didn't go to the funeral. He wanted to, wanted to be able to give them one last goodbye before they were buried side by side, but Shoto couldn't bring himself to put on the tux.

The only person he really talked to was Kirishima. That was only when Kirishima brought him food. Shoto and Kirishima understood each other quite well.

If Shoto had to pinpoint an exact time he started his recovery from the darkness he fell into, it was definitely when Kirishima started helping him. Neither were emotionally stable. They both missed Katsuki and Izuku and some days it was harder to fathom the fact that they were gone than others.

And finally, months after the incident, on December 31, at 11:50 pm, Kirishima had driven him to the cemetery for the first time.

The redhead stayed in the car as Todoroki cried his heart out. The clock struck 12, signaling a new year and Shoto was attached to their graves, hugging them. But they were cold and covered in leaves. Definitely not the same as his beloved boyfriends.

Everyday Shoto ended up visiting the graves.

Eijirou ended up telling him off about the way he was living his life at some point, changing his view completely.

"You're wasting your life away Shoto! The life that Izuku and Katsuki wanted to spend with you! How are you going to do that to them? If you knew they were looking down upon you right now, would you still be acting like this?"

That was the only thing that got him through some days, the knowledge that Izuku and Katsuki were looking down on him. Watching over him. Making sure he was ok.

Todoroki didn't become a hero. He had tried, but the slight pain he felt each time he remembered that it was Izuku's dream to help people and Katsuki's goal to surpass everyone and be the best so people could look to him was too overwhelming.

He had told Katsuki and Izuku as much the day he had been dropped from the school and had visited their graves again.

It had been 3 years now since he had been dropped. Todoroki wasn't living on the up end of life, he had a minimum wage job, underwent the stress of an adult at only the age of 22, and.. he had a disease. A disease that was fatal if medication and recovery wasn't started immediately.

There were two reasons why he didn't want to the medication and treatment plan.

Quite frankly, he didn't have the money for it. He'd be in debt for the rest of his life.

And second, dying meant seeing them again.

Dying terrified him slightly. He would forever he scared after finding his two boyfriends surrounded in a blood puddle with so much pain in the expressions. But he trusted that he would find Izuku and Katsuki again, so Shoto pushed passed his fear.

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