!-Chapter 11-!

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-Katsuki's POV-

I just sat there in complete shock. I got up slowly, painfully slow almost. I turned my back to Todoroki and walked over to one of my two lovers. I carefully unbuttoned Izuku's shirt, being sure to not wake him.

Sure enough, all up and down his neck and his torso, even going past his pant line, there were hickeys. No doubt Toga.

I started walking to the door, all sounds blocked out. I got on socks and shoes, and walked out the door. I heard a small voice, tiny and muffled but didnt hear what they were saying.

I eventually got to the garden, but kept walking. I didnt know where I was going. I was no longer in charge of my body, all I knew is I had to find a place far far away from UA. 

I finally felt my legs stop and I took a second to take in my surroundings. I was in the forest Izuku and I used to play at when we were kids. Just a different part, where there was there was a pond, surrounded my beautiful flowers.

My knees buckled, which sent me crashing to the ground. I broke down into sobs.

It was my fault he was taken. I couldnt protect him. That was the one thing I promised to do, and now my poor Izuku was raped and tortured, God knows what else. My God, I let this happen. No, I made this happen. I wasnt strong enough.

It was cold out, freezing in fact, freezing to the point that I couldn't control my shivering, nonetheless I felt disgusting from the crying and the sweat all over my body so I took of all of my clothes, leaving on my boxers, and dipped into the pond. I heard my teeth start to chatter but I didnt care.

My fault. All my fault.

I dunked my head underwater soon coming back up for air.

It should have been me, not him.

I got out and put back on my clothes, my shivering worse than ever.

What kind of hero would that make me one day. I couldnt save one person. How the hell am I supposed to protect a city.

I sat against a tree, teeth still clattering together, evidence of the cold mixing with the water on my body from the pond.

People are supposed to be able to rely on me.

My eyes started to close, perhaps I was tired. I stood up to start to walk back home but collapsed, soon after blacking out.

-Shoto's POV- right after bakugou walked out

I didnt wanted to wake up Izuku, but I didnt want him to be alone either when he woke up. It was nighttime after all. He should be fine. Hes sound asleep. So i got on my shoes and tried to follow Kat, not knowing where the heck he was going.

I soon arrived upon a forest that looked completely foreign to me but continued inside.

It looked like I had arrived way after Bakugou, as Bakugou was comfortable sitting against a tree looking deep in thoughts.

Well he looks like hes fine, he doesnt seem to be doing anything irrationable so maybe I should just give him time.

I turned around getting ready to head back when I heard a loud thump.

I whipped my neck around, ignoring the whiplash, and saw Bakugou on the ground, shaking, teeth clattering, but more importantly, not moving. I ran, no, I sprinted over to him checking his heartbeat. He was breathing. He was going to be fine, but he was cold. Freezing.

Damnit, you and your stupid stunts. You're going to kill yourself one day. Have you ever thought how that would affect the ones around you?

And worst of all we are too far away from a hospital, I have no service, and you are literally freezing. You are too reckless sometimes. I ranted on and on to myself. I made mental notes, being sure to scold Bakugou later.

I carefully picked Bakugou's head up, as if it was the most fragile thing in the world, and set it on my lap. I honestly have no idea what to do. I slowly heated up my left hand and placed it on bakugou's cheek. Bakugou seemed to have a good reaction to this, leaning in slightly. So I switched out positions. I was against the tree, legs out and he was laying horizontally his head still in my lap. I once again heated up my left hand waiting for a few seconds. I lifted up Bakugou's shirt and put my hand on his stomach, letting the heat rebound off the shirt.

Eventually, his chest and torso were back to normal temperatures. It had started to sprinkle without me noticing so I slowly picked up Bakugou, taking him off of my lap, taking of my sweater and giving it to him. Since I wasnt prepared I only had a tank top under but I'll be fine. I picked Bakugou up bridal style and started to carry him out of the forest.

-3rd POV-

These boys really didnt have the best of luck, for now it was pouring down rain, completely drenching them. Shoto was using his quirk to warm up Katsuki, not really saving anything for himself. Not to mention he was in a tank top. But Shoto refused to let his boyfriend be cold.

Despite all of Shoto's efforts, Katsuki was still shaking from the cold. He powered up his quirk a little more. He didnt want to burn Katsuki so he lifted his hand off of Katsuki's skin a little.

"Dont worry baby, we're almost there. Then we can get you all warmed up in a pile of blankets." Shoto said. Just then, Shoto could have sworn it had started to rain harder.

UA, thankfully, was close enough to be seen, indicating they were a few hundred yards away.

Katsuki started shaking even more violently than before. Luckily for them Shoto had just stepped into the dorms. Also lucky for them, it was late so mostly everyone had gone to sleep or was in their dorm, so no one could ask him questions about Katsuki. Maybe their luck was turning around. Shoto walked upstairs, Katsuki still in his arms. He felt like he might collapse but he would make sure his boyfriend made it to their dorm room first. He finally climbed to the boys' floor of the dorms, slightly aware of the cuts and tears on his legs and pants. He took the hand warming Katsuki up out of his shirt so he could knock and put it right back were it was, continuing its job of keeping Katsuki somewhat warm.

After a few more times of doing this a confused looking Izuku came to the door, opening it slightly. His eyes widened when he saw his two boyfriend outside the door. He immediately opened the door wide enough for both to get in. Izuku was frantic and didnt know what to do.

"Izuku. You need to calm down. He'll be fine."

Izuku stopped buzzing around, worried that he was bothering Shoto. After that was handled Shoto went to get different close, changing Katsuki out of his wet ones, then to get extra blankets and made a cup of hot tea for Katsuki if case he woke up. Next Shoto got onto the bed, after he changed his clothes, and sat against the headboard, putting Katsuki's head on his lap. Instead of heating up only his hand he decided to heat up the whole left side of his body. Katsuki violent shivers turned to nothing more than small teeth chattering.

"Izuku, it's late. You should be heading to bed too."

"But what about you? We have school tomorrow and-"

"Exactly we have school tomorrow, which means you need your rest, it's already really late, I'll be fine. I'm not even that tired." Lie. He was immensely tired, and feeling weaker by the second, but he couldnt let Izuku see that.

"Ok, well if you need me, dont hesitate to wake me up." Izuku said, hesitantly.

"Of course I will." Lie. "Now go to bed."

Izuku snuggled up into Shoto's free side, where Katsuki wasnt and fell asleep almost instantaneously.

Shoto on the other had stayed up all not, worrying to his boyfriends needs. Making sure Izuku slept and keeping Katsuki warm. He didnt sleep at all. And soon morning came.

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