!-Chapter 12-!

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-3rd POV-

Shoto was exhausted. He hadnt slept at all last night and morning came sooner than he would have thought, presenting itself by pouring light through the window curtains. He looked at the time. 6:30. He decided it was probably time to wake his boys up.

"Guys, wake up." Surprisingly Katsuki woke up, looking as refreshed as ever.

"Wow..you look like complete shit."

"Thank you Kat. I see your back to your old self, hope you slept well. Zuku, baby, wake up. It's time to get ready for school." As usual, Izuku didnt wake up. It took a few tries, but eventually, after poking, prodding, and even slight yelling, he woke up. He immediately looked concerned.

"Shoto, I thought you were going to tell me if you needed anything, did you sleep at all last night."

"Of course I did." Lie. "I just woke up and my eyes started to itch really bad. Do I look that terrible?" He said chuckling. Lie. Lie. Lie.


Katsuki and Izuku looked at each other, staring intensely.

"I'm just telling the truth." Katsuki stated blandly.

After that nice morning conversation, Shoto kicked his two lovers out, saying they needed to go get their uniforms for school. And so they did.

Shoto almost collapsed on the way to his closet and bathroom for his uniform. He could physically feel himself getting weaker by the second, the room was spinning for a second, and, to add to it, he was restless.

He quickly grabbed his uniform and changed, tying his tie sloppily. He didnt bother brushing his hair, just moved a few strands of red to his left side, then brushed his teeth. Afterwards he was out the door, somewhat ready for what the day was going to bring.

He was walking to the classroom and noticed a group of kids behind a tree in a circle, punching and kicking the person in the middle.

He quickly walked over, he took a quick look around not knowing anyone here.

"Stop it!"

He went over and checked on the person in the middle.

"Are you alright?" However, the kid just whimpered and backed away, to some degree.

He stepped back, getting ready to ask them why they would do this but was cut off by a kid, about his age, maybe younger, punching him in the face.

"Dont interfere with out business next time, halfie." And they walked away.

Ouch, well that's gonna leave a bruise.

A bruise he was going to have a hard time explaining to, well, everyone. But he figure it out. He kept going towards the UA building, eventually making it inside.

He slowly walked into the classroom, getting a mini dizzy spell but quickly hiding it from anyone who may have seen him. He noticed he was one of the last people to walk into the classroom. He walked to the back where Izuku and Katsuki were.

"You're not looking to good. Are you sure you're okay?" Izuku asked.

"Yeah, I really agree with Izuku on this one, I think you should go to your dorm and get some rest."

"Guys, I'm fine, I promise. I'll alert you if i feel anything off." Lie lie lie. "Plus I should be worried about you, I did carry you home last night after you feel unconscious in the woods."

Katsuki gave a look, as if just remembering that that happened.

"Well I feel better now Icy-hot." He barely mumbled.

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