!-Chapter 8-!

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He was falling for Shoto Todoroki. Katsuki Bakugou was in love with 2 people.

Izuku's POV-

I had had this reoccurring dream, for as long as I can remember. It was started out with my life story, up to where I got into UA, when I met Todoroki. "Hes losing too much blood!" Then it took a skip to the future when we had all graduated and become pro heroes. But somewhere along the 3 years (I think UA goes for 3 years? Idk) of being in the hero course Todoroki, Katsuki, and I had all fallen for each other, and we confessed. "We need to get his vitals steady, come on. We could lose him!" We were together, and had a happy life. We adopted 3 kids and got a house near UA so we could be on call whenever needed. We were happy, just the three of us and our little munchkins..

Katsuki's POV-

After the lady checked us out she said we were all fine, we just should really get more sleep, so she gave us a bottle each of Melatonin to help us get to sleep better and told us to go wash up in the bathroom as she handed us both a black tank top from the cupboard. I looked down and realized I was still shirtless and blushed a little.

"Thank you." I mumbled to the nurse and walked out to find a bathroom to wash up and change.

Eventually a desk lady pointed us in the right direction and as soon as we got into the bathroom I walked in the stall and punched the wall, as hard as I could. I cant believe myself. I'm so ashamed. How could I do this to Izuku. I hadnt ever gotten the chance to tell him that I'm poly. I was afraid of how he would react. But I figured he would help me never want to be with anyone but him. Now, seeing as he was gone for so many weeks, I had to have someone to lean on and talk to, Todoroki just happened to be there. Almost a situation of right place right time.

Todoroki pulled me out of my thoughts by touching my shoulder.

"I know, its hard. Izuku is hurt but there is no need to get violen-"

"Goddamnit you son of a BITCH." I yelled turning around throwing him off guard for a second. "I'm not sad that Izuku is in the hospital. Dont twist it the wrong way, I'm fucking devastated. And to top it off it's my fucking fault he is in here in the first place. I let him go. He was captured because of me!"

"Im sure Izuku doesnt see it that way-" I cut off Todoroki.

"And now that hes back I should be there for him. I should be helping him through everything."

"He is in surgery you cant-" Todoroki was cut off again.

"But instead of me being there for him I'm thinking about you. And your perfectly split hair, and your gorgeous eyes that I get lost in every. single. time. Or that magnificent scar on you left side. You may think its hideous but it shows me you've gotten up again, and that you are willing to fight with everything you've got." I paused for a second. "What the hell will I tell Izuku? Huh? That I fell in love with two people. I havent even gotten the chance to tell him I'm poly yet. Fucking hell, he hasnt even gotten out of surgery yet and-and.." I broke down, falling to my knees on the floor, sobbing.

Great now Todoroki is seeing me like this. Just. Fucking. Great.

He bent down on his knees and put a hand on my cheek, slowly rubbing his thumb back and forth, smearing some of my tears.

I reached up and grabbed his wrist. Not to pull him away put to just have something to grab while leaning closer into his hand.

Eventually my sobs turned into hiccups and my hiccups to whimpers.

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