!-Chapter 2-!

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November 18, 2019
3rd POV-

The next day, Izuku woke up in his bed. It was quite late when Katsuki had brought him home, around midnight. They had fun together though. They went and got ice cream, then went to the park they used to play at when they were kids. They sat and talked there for hours on end. Eventually they had to leave.

Izuku smiled, yet another memory with Kacchan that he could remember until the day he died. Even without the memories that were sticking with him, he could never forget the ash blonde with his confident smirk that danced on his lips each time he got cocky. He could never forget the ash blondes eyes, some say his eyes make him look like a villain, but his crimson red eyes eyes definitly suit him. Izuku couldnt imagine him with any other eye color, it made him unique, so he could stand out in a crowd of fakes. How could he forget the ash blondes fighting strategy, or hero suit. Both suited him as well. How could he forget the ash blondes toned abs, everytime his shirt rolled up in the changing room- 'that's enough thinking' Izuku quickly thought to himself before getting up to start the day. Today was Sunday, so he decided to stay in his sweatpants and tank top. He brushed his teeth and hopped downstairs to start breakfast. He noticed his mom wasnt around again, he sighed. Izuku never gets to see his mom anymore, with all the overtime shes had to work lately. But he made a plate for her nonetheless, and stuck it in the fridge.

Then Izuku sat down briefly flipping through channels, eating his eggs while thinking about Kastuki. Did Izuku ever thank Katsuki for the nice night? He suppose he should, even if he already did. He got out his phone and scrolled through his contacts until he found what he was looking for.

Hey Kacchan! I just wanted to say thank you for last night. I've been a little stressed lately and that really helped put my mind at ease.

Izuku put his phone down and started channel surfing again, looking for anything good. Then, to his surprise, his phone went off, indicating he got a text. He grabbed it

No problem Mido- Izuku. Maybe we could hang today as well. To ease your mind and all.

Izuku could practically hear Katsuki rolling his eyes and smiling. He replied.

Broccoli boy🥦:
Awesome! You can come over to my house, if you want. My mom isnt home so it'll be fine.

Izuku immediately blushed realizing the text message sent of the wrong kind of vibe he immediately started typing.

Broccoli boy🥦:
N-not like that, o-of course. Just in saying th-that we..uh wouldnt get interrupted. No! That sounds even worse. Ughhhhh

Kacchan just smiled, chuckling a little on the other end.

Chill out Izuku, I'll see you in 10.

Sparky_sparky_boom_boom_boy💥 is offline

Mean while Izuku was the definition of flustered. He couldnt believe he actually just said all those things. 'I'm such an idiot' he thought to himself before standing up and putting his dishes in the sink. He'd clean them later.

A knock was heard was the door, so Izuku slowly peeled himself off the couch and walked towards the door, eyes on his phone scrolling through many different social medias.

All of a sudden, since Izuku wasnt looking, he tripped over a wrinkle in the rug, fell into the wall, stubbed his toe, and fell back on my head as everything went black.

Kacchan's POV-

I finally got to Izuku's house and went up to the door. I hesitated a little before knocking. I heard light shuffling from the other side and then a crash, and, a loud one at the. My heart dropped at I heard that, opening the screen door and trying to open the door to Izuku's house. It was locked. 'Well, I'll just have to buy Izuku another door knob' I thought to myself as I blew of the lock and walked in. I instantly went to Izuku who was laying on the ground looking seemingly unharmed. Save for the fact that he was unconscious.

I sighed and picked him up, going up stairs and looked for his room. I assumed it was the one with all the All Might merch in it and stepped it. It was cute how much of a dork Izuku could be sometimes. I stepped over a few things, as to not break anything because it wasnt mine, and went to the bed. I set him down and kissed his forehead. Honestly this kid is going to be the death of me.

That's when I sneezed, followed by varying coughs. Soon after came a runny nose and scratchy throat. Great, I came down with cold after all. The things I do to keep the boy laying in front of me happy. I sigh again with resulted in a cough. It must have waken Izuku up because he shot open his eyes, his hands immediately going to his head, I could only assume he had a headache. He saw me and he looked happy for the smallest of seconds before a frown came onto that beautif- goofy face. Yeah, goofy.

"Kacchan you look so pale, are you ok? Come here." He sat up fully now, sitting on his knees. I go on the bed all the way and scooted closer like he asked. Then, being the innocent cinnamon roll he is, he climbed up on his knees and over crawled until there was no more distance between us.

3rd POV-

Izuku had his legs on either side of Katsuki's hips, straddling him. He put his hand to Katsuki's forehead to feel his temperature. Katsuki was blushing like crazy, which only made Izuku more worried.

"Kacchan, your turning red. Are you ok. You have a slight fever. I think you have a little cold, come here and lay down. Rest and I'll make you some chicken noodle soup." Izuku said while moving off of him, as for Katsuki, well, all he could do was nod. Partly because his throat was throbbing but mostly because he didnt trust the words that would have come out of his mouth. And so Katsuki just laid down and let the greenette tuck him in. Afterwards Izuku went down stairs and started the process of making his moms famous chicken noodle soup. Well famous to him. It was delicious.

-Time skip to dinner-

The cute lil cinnamon roll grabbed the bowl he had for Katsuki and brought it upstairs along with a spoon. He opened the door, finding Katsuki asleep. He looked so peaceful he almost didnt want to wake him up. But Katsuki needed to eat. Izuku sat on the edge of the bed and gently shook Katsuki's shoulders.

"Kacchan, it's time for di-"

He never got to finish his sentence, as Kastuki woke with quite a start their lips crashing together..

Kacchan's POV-

I woke up suddenly when someone shook my shoulders ever so gently, as if they were afraid my body was going to cave in at any moment. Then I realized what had happened. I was ..kissing... Izuku. I quickly pulled back, afraid of what he would think, plus I didnt want to get him sick. I would feel absolutely horrible.

Izuku was still visibly dazed but snapped out of it.

"I ..um I brought you dinner."

I looked over to the nightstand and saw a bowl of chicken noodle soup.

"Izuku, did you make this all me?" Knowing Izuku, you dont even need to ask, for when it came to his friends, he would go all the way. He then picked up the bowl and handed it to me, careful of the edges making sure no soup spilt.

"Of course, plus your throat sounds a little scratchy. It'll help, I promise."

I took a bite and it tasted like heaven. No I definitely take that back. It was heaven. I swallowed wide eyed and before I knew it I had scarfed down the whole bowl. Then I did something I only let Izuku see, I looked at him with pleading, almost begging eyes indicating I wanted more. So he got up with a laugh and went to fill up my bowl once again. But this time he brought up two bowls. One for him I suppose, hes got to be hungry.

So we sat there, and talked, and laughed, and ate. Eventually I passed out, with my stomach full, and my heart filled to the brim with happiness.

"Goodnight Kacchan." Izuku mumbled and then, everything went dark.

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