!-Chapter 7-!

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3rd POV-

It took Katsuki 3 weeks to recover enough to get out of bed, and ever since he hasnt spent a minute sleeping, eating, drinking water, spending time with friends. No, he refuses, knowing he needed to find his beloved, the only thought keeping him going was the fact that Izuku probably wasnt sleeping either. And if he wasnt then Katsuki didnt deserve to sleep. Or at least that's what was going through his head.

Its been a week since then. Which means, in counting, Izuku has been gone for 1 month. Katsuki fell into a deep depression. The same routine everyday. Come in for a break for a few minutes, skip breakfast to go out and search, skip lunch to search, skip dinner to search all night, come in for a few minutes for break and repeat.

He didnt care about anything anymore, he just wanted to see Izuku's beautiful smile, hear Izuku's laughter that made his day everytime, feel Izuku's hand against his own, hug Izuku and play with his hair which smelt like Green Apple, and he would give everything to kiss Izuku one last time. He wouldnt give up.

Most of Class 1-A has, everyone but Todoroki. Even Ururaka gave up. All the heroes had too. So everyday it was just Katsuki and Todoroki.

And here they go again, making this the 7th day straight that they have gone out..

Meanwhile - with Izuku

Izuku woke up again, not particularly remembering the last beating he had received but he didnt need to remember, he knew the exact thing would happen today.

Sure enough, the door opened letting in a bright light, illuminating the dark room, revealing Toga and Dabi.

"What do you say, it's been about a month. I dont think you can take much more. So I'll say it again, become a villain and you can forego all this torcher stuff. We can even become friends." Dabi said.

Izuku used all the strength he had and chuckled darkly.

"You keep coming after me, always wanting me to join. You know I have a boyfriend right, Dabi? And if I didnt know any better I'd say you're flirting." Izuku said in a husky, raw voice, barely whispering. His throat hurt so bad. Some part of him just wanted this to be done, but the though of his Katsuki kept him going. He refused to give in.

"You damn fucking punk." Dabi kicked him against the wall, the chains around his wrists clanking, disturbed at the sudden outburst of movement. "Why do we even need him again. Hes obviously never going to give in. And hes just annoying at this point."

"Give it time Dabi-kun. I'm sure he will give in, and if he doesnt, well he sure is good target practice. Oooooh, I have an idea Dabiiiiiii. Can you please raise his chains do he is standing against the wall with the chains tight enough to support him?"

Dabi didnt question it, he never questioned anything when it came to Toga and her madness. He went over and adjusted the chains so Izuku's back was agaisnt the wall and the chains were supporting him fulling, seeing as he has no strength to stand.

"Ok, here is goes, readyyyyyyy??" Toga said, excited at her own idea. She got out her knives and started to take aim getting ready. She then swung, releasing the blade from her hands so it went through Izuku's thigh, stabbing far enough to pin him to the wall.

Izuku let out an ear splitting shreak in agony, surprising everyone, including himself that he had enough strength for that.

At this point Izuku was barely keeping his eyes open. So Toga threw another, and his eyes shot wide open, letting out yet another scream.

"I cant have my prisoners passing out this early, that's not much fun now is it. You have such pretty blood, you know that?" Toga said in a sing song mood.

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