!-Chapter 10-!

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3rd POV-

Once they were out of the hospital Katsuki got tired of waiting for Izuku so he picked up Izuku.

"You were walking to slow." He said while picking up the crutches and putting them on top of Izuku, having him carry them.

After a while they decided to go back to Katsuki's dorm room since it was the closest and it had been forever since anyone had been in there. Including Katsuki.

Once they got there Katsuki opened the door.

Izuku's POV-

I remember being here. Before it all happened, getting all dressed up. It was all useless. Those clothes got torn to shreds.

I started to remember what happened that day. What happened to Kacchan and how that heroes and teachers tried to protect us both.

I was hyperventilating now. I couldnt help it. I looked around in fear.

Katsuki quickly hushed me, saying sweet things while backing out of his dorm room singnaling to Todoroki, asking if it was ok if we could go to his room. He nodded. So we were walking towards Todoroki's. It's the only one room we werent in that day.

I was falling asleep with 1. Being carried, 2. Listening to the sweet things Kat was telling me, and 3. The sound of Kacchan's voice. Really that was enough. But as soon as we walked into Todoroki's dorm room, my sence of smell was attacked.

"It all smells like Todoroki." I say while smiling sleepily. The smell of Todoroki was enough to get me to sleep another 1/4 of the way.

Katsuki seemed to realize because he looked down and chuckled a little.

"You really are a knuckle head when you're tired aren't you baby boy? Go to sleep beautiful, we can talk tomorrow." Kat said in a hushed voice. That was all I needed, i was asleep before Kat could even put me down.

Shoto's POV-

I watched Izuku slowly fall asleep in the cutest way possible. He had a small smile on his face still but now that he was asleep I had to ask Kat why Izuku started freaking out earlier.

Kat eventually set him and Izuku on the bed, Izuku in between his legs, back to Katsuki's chest, while his head was laying on Kat's collarbone.

Katsuki shifted and managed to get himself comfortable. Now, with Izuku in the same position, he was sitting slightly upward against the backboard. I went and, as gently as I could, sat next to them.

"What happened to Izuku earlier? When we entered your room, he seemed totally freaked out by everything." I asked in a quiet voice, not wanting to wake up Izu.

"Well, *heh*, I never told you what happened that day did I?"

3rd POV-

After Katsuki was done explaining everything, from them waking up, to getting ready, to going outside, to the fight, to Izuku sacrificing himself, he was silently crying. Well trying to be silent because he knew Izuku would worry if he woke to him crying.

Shoto gently pulled up Katsuki's face by the chin so he would look at him. Shoto started gently whipping away Katsuki's tears one by one as they fell.

"Hey, dont cry. I'm sorry, I shouldnt have asked. I mean, i knew you got stabbed but all the teachers said it was from a villain attack. But look, you have Izu back. Hes perfectly safe. We, have Izuku back, and nothing is going to take him from you, because now, not only can you protect him, but so can I."

Katsuki was still crying but he held out a hand for Shoto to grab. So he did. And eventually Shoto got Katsuki to sleep. Shoto looked at his two boys.

Katsuki looked so worn out. This had been the first time Katsuki had even sat on a bed in a week. He had to be exhausted.

As for Izuku, well, Shoto would always think he looked cute, but right now, he wasnt looking to good in anyone elses perspective. He had visible bags under his eyes, he could only assume that Izuku hadent gotten proper sleep in the month he was with Toga. Izuku also had bruises at his neck and his hands, part of his arm as well, and the part of his legs that were visible to Shoto.

Shoto, being the curious person he naturally is, leaned over just slightly to pull down his collar. The bruises kept going, kept getting more red, as if recently done.

Shoto gasped, stumbling back. Waking the two boys.

Izuku and Katsuki were terrified at the sight before them. Shoto was bawling, with a hand over his mouth, pointing to Izuku, he, too, looking terrified for different reasons.

Izuku got up and went over, kneeling on two knees beside Shoto, to rub Shoto's back.

After a few seconds, Shoto managed to ask Izuku.

"Th-they they, Izu-Izuku, th-the-they-"

"I know, Sho. I know. It's ok. I'm here now. Nothing like that can ever happen again. To any of us."

Katsuki, was, naturally, very confused. He didnt have a clue why his two lovers were on the ground, and why, the boy Katsuki knows as calm and indifferent about most things, was bawling his eyes out. Or why, the boy he grew up with, and knew to be obnoxious and loud, always happy, was the one having to help calm down the other.

No one payed Katsuki any attention, not even a side glance but it was different. Shoto wasnt looking at anyone, only having his head in his heads, still crying. Whereas Izuku was purposely avoiding his gaze. Katsuki could tell.

Katsuki finally decided he was done being the clueless guy and walked over to his distressed lovers and starts comforting them both. Hugging Shoto and holding Izuku's scared hand, rubbing his thumb back and forth.

Eventually, Izuku couldnt stand his own exhaustion and passed out, still kneeling down on his knees. So, Katsuki once again picked Izuku up and placed him in bed, not getting in with him this time though. He walked back over to his heterochromatic eyed lover and sat with him, as his small sobs turned to whimpers, and nothing more. After a respectable amount of time Katsuki spoke up.

"Shoto, baby. What happened?"

His breathing rate started to increase but he didnt start crying again, and as he looked up at Katsuki you could see the anger and fear in his eyes.

"They-they r-r-raped him." He managed to hiccup out.

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