!-Chapter 6-!

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3rd POV-

"Him." Toga said.

The heroes were to stunned to speak, they didnt know what to say. So Katsuki took this chance.

"Excuse me?" Katsuki said, in a voice as cold and hard as stone, the voice he hadnt used in months now.

"Well no need to get all riled up about it Katsu-kun! We just want Izu-kun and we will be on our way. No one hurt, everyone happy!" Toga said in her way-too-cheery voice.

"Everyone happy. Everyone happy? EVERYONE HAPPY?! What the fuck do you think you're fucking talking about. Izuku is the back bone of all of us. If he was ever gone, we would all loose ourselves. I dont know what the fuck you think happiness is BUT NONE OF US WOULD EVER AGREE TO THIS ARRANGEMENT IN A MILLION FUCKING YEARS YOU PSYCHO BITCH." Izuku turned Katsuki toward him and hugged his arm while rubbing his back slightly to calm him down, whispering short sweet things into his ear.

"I'm deeply sorry but we cant allow that, not only is what Young Bakugou said all true, but, even if it wasnt, we cant allow you to take a student from us. We dont know what you would do." All Might said

"Oh well that pretty simple, we would torture him. But only if Izuku Midoriya refuses to become a villian with us." Dabi said, nonchalantly. Like what be just said wasnt completely insane.

Katsuki could feel Izuku turn his head into Katsuki's arm as Izuku tensed up, squeezing his eyes shut. It was Katsuki's turn to hush Izuku and calm him down.

"Hey, it's ok, that's not going to happen. I wont let it. You're safe. You're ok. You're with me, right baby, you're always safe when you're by my side. Always. I will never let them get to you, without going through me first that is." Katsuki said in a hushed voice, feeling, rather than seeing, Izuku relax a little.

"Awe, did you hear that Dabi-kun, we have to go through Kastu-kun to get to Izu-kun. Well your wish is our command."

All Might nodded to Aizawa and Hizashi and then all hell broke loose. The three heroes were charging for the two villains while Katsuki and Izuku were too stunned to move as they just watched the fight play out.

Something was wrong though.. Something was very very wrong, none of this felt right. Shigaraki showed up, as well as a few low life, not as well known, villains that were taken out easily, but Toga was no where to be seen.

Just then Katsuki let out an ear bleeding scream as pain resonated through his entire stomach, Katsuki falling to his knees.

Toga was standing behind him, with a hunters knife practically going through his stomach. Izuku stumbled back, falling to the ground, hands to his mouth, not knowing what to do.

"So, we have to go through you huh. That wasnt much as fun as I thought it would be." Toga said while twisting the knife as Katsuki screamed out in agony once again.

"Please, stop. Stop! Stop it please!! I'll go with you please let him go, please." Izuku pleaded. Toga took out the knife and Katsuki fell to his side, laying in a pool of his blood. Toga knew what she was doing, she knew it. She didnt hit any major organs, now veins and she avoided done and most muscles completely. Just went through a few nerves to make him scream a little, she smiled sadistically. She knew Izuku couldnt stand sitting there doing nothing while the one he loved was sitting in a pool of his own blood.

"No-... please. No." Katsuki barely whispered out in a pained, hitched voice.

"I love you, I always will. That's why I cant stand to see you like this." Izuku smiled softly before turning his attention back to Toga. "Let's go." He said in a voice exactly opposite from the voice he used with Katsuki a few seconds ago. Toga grabbed his hand and went back to the villains.

"Let's go! Izu-kun decided to come along. All to save his beloved, isnt the romantic?" Toga said pointing to Katsuki, sounding too excited to be kidnapping a person.

The heroes were so conflicted, they didnt know whether to stay and fight or go and give Katsuki the help he needed.

Izuku looked into his teachers eyes, most of them like second family to him, the father figures he had needed in his life when he truly didnt know what to do.

"Help him, I'll be ok. You taught me to be strong. That's what I'm doing." Izuku said softly, comforting them, before raising his voice slightly, getting there full attention, "But if you dont help Katsuki right now then this sacrifice I am making would have been for nothing. Save him, please! Keep him safe. Just know that you guys were the fathers I didnt have growing up. You all sheltered me when I needed it, I will always be in your debt." Izuku looked into Katsuki's tear filled eyes one last time. All he saw was sadness and regret, helplessness and.. and almost him saying 'I love you' through the looks in his eyes one last time. What he did next astonished Izuku, as he knew Katsuki didnt have the energy for it. He whispered out a faint, "Please, dont. Please.." Before going silent once more, that alone taking a lot out of him. Katsuki knew he would likely never see the one he loved again if Izuku went with them.

Izuku gave Katsuki one last sad smile as the villains took off with Izuku still in Toga's hands as Katsuki let out one last sob before Izuku felt toga stab a needle into his arm as he passed out.

A/N: That was the most painful thing I have ever written. I think I cried once or twice. But yeah, read the next chapter to find out what happens!

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