love and sun

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Sunsets always bring happiness in our souls. As if it was a yellow's magnet. It makes me think. Specially on the memories' promenade. There is where I have the complete awareness, the complete control, of my memories. And I love sharing them with the others. And doing that with Off is on my top list. He listens with his cold but careful eyes. And it makes me feel special, even though months have passed from the day we understood what real love is.

"Sometimes I'm scared to admit this, but I'm scared of the though of being better in the future. As if today I chose something stupid or wrong and I'll notice it only in a far tomorrow" I leaned on the railing, looking at the sky colored with a warm orange. He laughed gently.

"You think too much about the nothing. But if it makes you feel better, I can tell that I'll be here tomorrow. Whatever choice you make. You'll wake up with me by you're side"

"Is that a promise?"

"Yes, it is" he showed me his little finger, smiling with all his sweetness.

"You promised" we did the pinkie promise, knowing that we were showing all our love and

"Then, if one day I'll wake up without you, I'll understand that I've failed in my life. I don't want my old grey days"

"It won't happen, I promised" he tilted his head and he looked at me with serious eyes. He was beautiful, with the sunlight lighting every part of his face. He was everything. An idea came into my mind.

"I want to take a photo" I took my phone from my pocket and I opened the camera.

"We keep this love in a photograph... wait, you're really serious?" I nodded. In that photo there was everything: the sun, the sea and his annoyed but happy face. I took a moment to stare at me through my phone, smiling at my sweet happiness and hoping that all of that didn't have an end. A click told me that the photo was done. I showed it to him and he smirked.

"You're cute. I've photographed this in my mind too" I put my phone in my pocket and I leaned on the railing again.

"Why don't we go to the sea?" I shook my head, laughing. I've never been down there. Maybe because I couldn't appreciate that beauty. He took my hand and he dragged me with him. We started to run as if we were crazy (but maybe we really were). With the wind blowing in our faces and the void not being empty anymore. There was no one, just me and him, with all the love we were sharing.

We arrived to the beach breathless. I bent to get my air again.

"I hate you" I said, sighing. He smiled and leaned a hand on my back.

"Are you okay?" I shook my head. I stood up. The sun was still there, greeting us, coloring the sky with his warm colors.

We took off our shoes and we sat on the sand, just like a few months ago. But there was a different. We knew. We knew everything about us. We knew what we were building, brick by brick, emotion by emotion.

"I have an idea. But if you hated me before, you'll hate me even more" I turned to look at him, with suspicious eyes. He was laughing in a mean way and, in a second, I was in his arms, moving mines in the air and praying him to leave me.

"I swear to God that if you throw me in the wa-" the sea got into my throat. I got out the water and I coughed. My eyes were in his. He was eating my soul.

"Do you forgive me if I say I love you?" I closed my eyes, pretending to think about that, even if I didn't have to. I'd never abandon him.

"Maybe" I scratched my chin and I moved my wet hair from my forehead.

"Then, I love you" he took my cheeks and he got closer, with the eyes full of the sun's yellow.

"You can't resist me, we both know that" he got even closer and he touched my lips with his. Then he slipped his tongue in my mouth. He was exploring every part of me. Even the deepest ones. As always.

"You know, maybe I know what you meant when you said that a soulmate is for life" he said, between a kiss and another kiss. I smiled, nodding at his words. His hands were running through my hair, while mines were on his hips, under his wet t-shirt.

There, I understood that even a job, an useless job, can bring the most beautiful things in your life, as a person or something else. That some empty years can be the years. They bring happiness, yellow. But I know that sometimes they can bring pain too. But flowers bloom from the void, the dark, not from diamonds.

I felt warm, loved. Red. I wanted to scream how much I loved him. That there isn't a thing more beautiful than loving and being loved. That waking up in the morning with a person makes everything less heavy. Because him, with all his dark blue, my dark blue, got into my life with a cigarette between his lips, looking at the stars. And he upset it.

*So, there is an end to this story. Actually, this is not how I wanted it to be. I pictured something really different from this. And I don't know if I should be proud or not. But, thank you. For all your support.
See you soon (maybe)♥️
Ps. I'm looking at the stars.
With all my love,

cappuccino ↬ offgunWhere stories live. Discover now