Chapter Fourteen: The Number One Hero(es)

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Play Elysium (Music for entering the Gates of Valhalla)

"Idiot," (Y/N) says, "Why did you come? We had it under control."

I chuckle, kneeling down at her side, "You're the one in a stretcher right now, not me."

"Excuse me!" The two of us look back to see three groups of reporters approaching with microphones and cameras.

I glance at (Y/N), but she nods to tell me it's okay. I sit beside her as she's interviewed.

"What is your quirk and why weren't you in the UA Sports Festival?"

"My quirk is called Consumer. I can take, give, and use energy as a physical object. I can also gain it when attacked. It has many uses. I didn't start going to UA until after the Sports Festival. There..was a miscommunication with my parents."

Another reporter approaches, "What are your thoughts on being the new number one hero?"

"Wait..huh?" She replies, "What are you talking about? I'm only a student. Plus I'm considered a traitor, aren't I?"

The reporter shakes his head, "The Hero Association has already received calls from civilians voting for you to replace the Symbol of Peace."

She glances at me, I shrug in confusion as well.

"I'd like to rest for now," She says, "I can answer more questions later, alright?"

Thankfully, the reporters respect her wishes, walking away. (Y/N) takes a deep breath, cringing in pain.

"Sho-" She mutters, "We may have a problem."

"What is it?"

The girl leans up slightly, pulling up her shirt until just above her belly button. And she pulls down the shoulders of the shirt as well. Her entire belly is covered in cuts, open wounds, and bruises. The entire wound from the Hero Killer on her shoulder has reopened wider than ever.

"I think..I used too much energy," She mutters, "This has happened before, when I was training with the LoV. But it was never this bad."

Suddenly she winces, kicking her legs up in response to the pain.

"Stay down, (Y/N)," I order, "We can't let those wounds reopen again."

She coughs, leaning over to the right as blood comes out, she glances over at me with a sad smile, wiping her mouth, "They already have."

"How many times has someone cut into you pretty far?"

She giggles, "Too many times to count," Another cough, "But I think a stab wound to the stomach I earned from a Nomu could reopen. It nearly killed me then..looks like it gets another chance."

"Don't talk like that!" I hiss, "Recovery Girl will help."

"She can't. She uses energy to heal, and I..I've used all of mine. The only reason I'm still awake is because of the adrenaline. She can't do anything."

"Then I'll go get the paramedics."

She nods slowly, taking a deep breath as I go get the medics. They approach and life her,carrying her into the ambulance.

"Wait," She mutters, the medics pause, "Shoto."

I approach, "Yes, what is it, (Y/N)?"

She uses her hand to call me closer, then puts her hand behind my head. She pulls me even closer suddenly until our lips connect. My eyes widen but I close them quickly, kissing her back. When we pull away, she smiles.

As she's loaded into the vehicle, she waves at me, saying, "Just in case."

I realize what she means but I can't do anything now. I watch with a paining heart as the ambulance drives away. Yaoyorozu, as well as Midoryia and the others who came to save (Y/N) and Bakugo approach and run to me. Midoryia first notices the blood where (Y/N) was laying.

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