Chapter Twenty-Two: The School Festival

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For over a month now, we've been practicing for the big School Festival. Tomorrow is the big day. Tomorrow is when class 1-A brings joy to all of UA high, instead of just bringing villains and controversy.

(Y/N) and Jiro practice one final time singing together with the rest of the musicians until Hound Dog interrupts us and forces us to leave the gymnasium. We head back to the dorms swiftly, as the teacher isn't one you should mess with.

When we get back to the dorms, everyone is pretty silent.

"Let's let out some stress with some games!"

So we spent the next two hours playing games together until we all decided it was best to head to bed so we could be rested up for the next day.

We all woke up bright and early. We spent the early morning preparing the stage for our performance while Midoryia was out getting rope. (Y/N) and Jiro were in the corner of the theatre reciting the lyrics and doing vocal exercises. We all already had our outfits and costumes on but Jiro and (Y/N) have special ones created by Yayorozu. They're similar to the orange/yellow suits that the rest of us are wearing but they're red and orange instead, with yellow details.

Just when we're about to begin, Midoryia arrives.

Play Hero Too (At the top)

As the curtains open as the time hits 10 AM, Bakugo clicks his drums sticks together. The entire theatre stares at him as he mentally counts down.

"Let's do this," He mutters, getting louder, "Let's kill UA, with our sound!"

His explosion nearly blinds us as he begins drumming and everyone elses' instruments kick in, nearly blowing away the crowd. The dancers start as (Y/N) and Jiro swing around using each other's elbows until it's time for them to sing.

The other stage crew and I watch from the top as they dance. (Y/N) looks amazing in the costume and she has the brightest smile on her face.

(Y/N) starts off, "What am I to be?"

Basically her and Jiro switch lyrics throughout the song, "What is my calling?"

"I gave up giving up, I'm ready to go."

"The future's left unseen, it all depends on me!"

"Put it on the line to follow my dream, yeah!"

The lyrics suddenly create a slideshow of everything that's happened these past few months at UA. Especially after (Y/N) arrived. They play again in my head like a movie.

(Y/N)'s voice resonates in my ears, "Tried all my life, I've tried to find. Something that makes me hold on and never let go. Ohhh!"

Jiro's voice joins back in for the chorus as my eyes open and they seem to zoom in to look at (Y/N) as she dances happily.

"Hero too, I am a hero too. My heart is set (my heart is set) and I won't back down

Hero too, strength doesn't make a hero."

"True heroes (true heroes) stand up for what they believe.

So wait and see."

I nearly blackout through the next few lyrics, only focusing on the past memories I've created with (Y/N). How angry I've been, how sad, in love.

How she's changed my life entirely.

"Yo, Todoroki-kun!" Kirishima snaps me out of the daze, "You ready?"

Oh right, the main event.

"Tried all my life, I've tried to find.." Jiro begins, "Something that makes me hold on and never let go."

(Y/N) comes in with the highest note I've ever heard, "Ohhh!"

And Jiro joins back in, "Hero too, I am a hero too! My heart is set (my heart is set) and I won't back down."

The crowd cheers as the energy in the room changes into pure wonder and happiness.

The next few lyrics echo in my head as (Y/N)'s different smiles flash before my eyes. All the moments where she smiled out of fear, happiness, sadness... just at me. They start passing me faster, almost as if she's disappearing from my life. But that's not true, I can see her. She's right there. She's not leaving me, stop panicking.

It's okay, she's right there.

(Y/N)'s voice suddenly gets quieter and she's the only one singing, "Hero too, I am a hero too. My heart is set and I won't back down. Hero too, strength doesn't make a hero," She pauses, glancing up at me with a smile. Just like the old days, her smile warms and calms me, "True heroes stand up for what they believe. So wait and see!"

Everything kicks up again as I move without thinking. I slide down my ice ramp directly onto the stage. I grab (Y/N) by the hand, singing the song in harmony with her. Somehow, our two different pitched voices sound great together.

"I have met so many heroes in my life. Gave me the strength and courage to survive. Gave me the power to smile everyday! Now it's my turn, to be the one to make you smile!"

Play Dance All Night by Nathan Wagner

I spin her and catch her bridal style as the rest of the instrumental parts continue on for a few moments. She breathes heavily as the song completely ends, turning her head towards me with a cocky smile.

"Why'd you do that?" She laughs.

I bite my tongue, "I-I don't know.."

She leans over, grabbing my cheek and giggling before kissing me there. I blush as we stare into each other's eyes. My heart lurches. I don't want to risk anything. What if it's too much? What if (Y/N) doesn't feel the same way about me as I feel about her?

I stare at her with a smile as we start to clean up our mess.

We all gather the ice I created while Bakugo and I melt it.

"This is taking too long," Mineta yells, "(L/N)-chan, get in there and lift all the ice with your power and heat up and melt it all! I must hurry!"

(Y/N) rolls her eyes but does as he says. I assume she also wants to get this over and done with. She lifts as much ice as she can and places it in the container. I watch as her (E/C) eyes slowly turn bright red and her body begins emitting heat.

Just like in kamino ward.

Bakugo and I have to back away as she finishes all the ice off. Mineta and Kamiarni head over to get seats for the beauty pageant. Out of curiosity, I do the same. I watch Hado, Kendo, as well as the senior girl perform on the stage.

"Psst, (L/N)-chan!" I hear Ashido whisper, "You should be up there."

"What, no!" (Y/N) whispers back, but I watch as she's pushed onto the stage.

The announcer chuckles, "It looks like we have a last-minute entry from class 1-A's (L/N) (Y/N)!

I can tell that she has no idea what to do.

"Go on, (L/N)-chan!" I hear Uraraka yell.

The (H/C)-haired girl sighs and then suddenly shoots up like a rocket. Her (F/C) energy creates swirls of particles as she flies around on it. They disappear eventually, causing her to fall. She bounces on another shield she's created, almost like a trampoline. As she bounces, firework-like explosions erupt from around us. Cheers ring throughout the area as she flies straight up once more and creates and huge explosion. She slides down a slide of energy and bows.

More cheers.

I clap with the others as she smiles and sends a glare towards Ashido.

After experiencing the other classes' hard work, we all head back to the dorms.

Little did we know, everything was about to change.

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