Chapter Twenty: The Reaction

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Play Love by Nathan Wagner

(Y/N) still hasn't woken up. The doctors say that there's nothing physically wrong with her, she's just asleep.

Hopefully not for too long.

"Are you sure?" I ask again, the doctor sighs.

"Yes," He replies, "There is nothing wrong with her, she's just sleeping."

The doctor sets his clipboard down and puts his hands on my shoulders, "It's only been two days. You said her quirk requires energy. Perhaps she just used too much of her energy. She'll wake up, I can promise you that."

I sigh, slowly nodding and deciding to believe the man. I approach (Y/N)'s sleeping body, lightly touching her hands and placing a kiss on her forehead. She stirs in her sleep, turning towards me with a smile. I find a warm smile on my face. I move her hair from her face, smiling at the peaceful look. I sit down in the cool, empty chair beside her bed. She doesn't stir as I stare at her.

"I wonder if you can hear me," I mutter, scratching the back of my neck, "I know that we haven't really talked about getting into a relationship together, but I need you to know this. I've never felt this way towards anyone before," I take her hands in mine, "I love you (Y/N)-chan. I love your passion, personality, everything. I love you. Everywhere I go, no matter what I do, I can't stop thinking about you. Please, wake up. For me, for our classmates. For the world. They need you, I need you. You're all I want, okay? I don't care how long it takes. Please wake up. I-I love much."

Despite trying my hardest not to cry, tears rush down my face. I hiccup as it gets harder and harder to breathe and my tears obscure my vision. Eventually, the door opens. I glance up to see Midoryia, Uraraka, Kirishima and Tsu. I rush to wipe my eyes to hide the tears but Midoryia as well as Uraraka also start crying.

They rush over, hugging me tightly.

"I'm sorry!" Midoryia cries, "It's my fault that she's still asleep. I wasn't strong enough to even protect myself and she had to protect me. She fought hard. She saved Eri and in turn me. She saved us all."

"She's got to wake up," Uraraka says, "I know it."

Tsu ribbits, "Well the doctor's said that nothing's actually wrong with her. She's just sleeping."

"She'll wake up," I repeat, "She has to."

I spend the entire day at the hospital. Eventually, Tsu, Uraraka, Midoryia and Kirishima leave one-by-one to do their own thing. They ask if I'd like to come help for the School Festival but I can't. I can't concentrate with (Y/N) like this. I need her there with me. I want her to see it. Please let her see it. Please.

I beg you.

I glance over at the (H/C)-haired teen. She looks so peaceful, like an angel. Suddenly, as I'm calmly staring at her sleep, she begins convulsing. I instinctively get up, pushing the nurse button and rushing to (Y/N)'s side.

Doctors and nurses come, panicked, rushing to get her in control. My heart lurches each time she flinches.

"We need you to leave sir," One of them states, "We must do our best to focus on getting her back."

Despite what my heart says, I nod and exit the room. A few moments later, the room quiets down and my heart's speed slows as well. She's okay.

"Sir, you're welcome to enter again."

I thank the nurse, walking past her and entering (Y/N)'s room. I turn my back, shutting the door behind me.

"I'm glad you're okay," I mutter, "Hopefully you wake up before the School Fest-"

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