Chapter Eighteen: The Licence Exam

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Play Prophecy by Jon Bently.

For the past few days, we as a class have been practicing our ultimate moves for the upcoming Hero License exam. I've got mine down pat but I haven't asked (Y/N) or really anyone about theirs. I hear Bakugo testing one of his new moves and I look over to see him use his AP shot on a rock wall.

I don't think much of this until I see a large section of the rock falls towards All Might. I would've acted but (Y/N) already did. I can't even blink before the rock stops right above the teacher. He stares at it, taking a breath before (Y/N) approaches and feeds the (F/C) energy into a large crack in the rock. Suddenly, it shatters into thousands of tiny pieces. The class freezes as the dust dissipates to reveal her.

"Thank you, Genkina." All Might says, patting her shoulder.

She rolls her eyes, "No need to thank me. From now on, you're under our protection. You protected us and now we can do the same. This is just a little payback for the AFO fight. You did save me after all."

'She's getting better.'

But eventually, the day of the license exam is here. Our class stares at the intimidating building, debating whether or not to continue on being a hero. (Y/N) just smiles, I can tell that she's proud of herself for making it this far. She's been working hard and is finally accepted by society.

I'm proud.

We head inside and have the lead of the Hero License exam talk to us about the stages and rules. When he's done, we head to the stadium. Class 1-A begins together, like other schools. We stand in a large circle as Bakugo runs off with Kaminari and Kirishima trailing slowly behind. It's probably best for me to be alone as well. Our class will surely be targetted because the entire world knows our quirks, thanks to the sports festival. As I attempt to walk away, (Y/N) quickly approaches and decides to follow me. We leave the rest of the class behind as the exam officially begins. We rush around, dodging other students until we approach an abandoned city. Seconds after entering, a group of four students drop down from the top of a ladder.

"Look who it is," One of the teen boys says, "Todoroki Shoto and the UA traitor."

I can feel my blood start to boil. We turn to face them, being sure to block our targets as well.

"And you four are..?"

"Doesn't matter, we're here to pass."

One of them uses their quirk to try and box us in. A wall of stone appears, blocking our vision and preventing us from counter-attacking. I grab (Y/N) by the arm, pulling her into a pipe.

The other students split up, searching for us. (Y/N) and I sneak around the area until we come across a lone student from the group. Instead of throwing one of our balls at them and hope to hit a target, (Y/N) holds them in place with her energy and floats over all of the balls, hitting their targets and kicking them out of the exam. We use this technique for two other students and attempt it on the last.

But the last has realized what we've been doing. His quirk seems to be...tentacles? No, that's not it. These aren't tentacles, they're..tails. He has four of them, they're all red with orange-like veins throughout. The student whacks our balls away, so (Y/N) quickly brings them back. His ear seems to flick towards our direction.

"I know you're there," He says calmly, "Come on out."

The 'tails' on his back curl towards us, almost like an animal trying to appear larger. (Y/N) and I listen to his request, stepping out from the shadows.

"So it was you two this entire time?" He says.

(Y/N) chuckles, "Well, why does it matter?"

The student rolls his eyes and we watch as the four tails attached to his back begin to morph with each other to create a larger tail. He grunts, seemingly in pain.

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