Chapter Seventeen: A Change of Scenery

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"Todo-kun!" Echoes in my head as I finally exit my dead sleep and wake up to Midoryia shaking me.

He sighs and smiles as I tiredly lean up, "You almost slept in too long. Get dressed before (L/N)-chan gets here."

He exits my room as I get up and begin getting dressed. I end up choosing a casual yet slick outfit that consists of an ironed suit-shirt and dark jeans. I head downstairs as everyone else is rushing around, making sure that the party will be 'perfect.'

"Okay!" I call out to gain their attention, "I'm going to meet (Y/N)-chan at the gate. We'll be gone for at least three hours. Text me if you need more time or something changes!"

The class waves as I shut our dorm's door behind me and head to the front of UA High. Aizawa and Present Mic stand together near the front gate as well, waiting to greet (Y/N).

"Good morning, Todoroki-kun!" Present Mic says, "Aizawa told me about the surprise party so we're here to take her things so she doesn't see the party setup."

I thank them just as a car pulls up. It's completely black and the windows are tinted. It parks and (Y/N) steps out of the back seat. She smiles at me, shutting the door and attempting to get her things.

"Wait (L/N)-chan," Aizawa says, "Let us take your bags. You and Todoroki-kun have a date today, right?"

She blushes but allows the two teachers to take her suitcases to her new dorm room.

"So, where are we going?" She asks.

Panic sets in. I never even thought about what we'd do on a date.

"Uh, how about a movie?"

She grins, "Sure!"

'God, I hope I can get movie tickets at this hour.'

So we hail a taxi and head to the closest theatre. (Y/N) easily gets distracted by the games while I head to the ticket booth to decide on a movie. The new ones out seem terrifying to watch, especially with (Y/N). One movie stands out, it seems pretty interesting, it's called 'Heroes Rising.'

I feel like she'll like it.

I buy two tickets. The movie starts in two hours so I find (Y/N) again and we leave the theatre to go to the mall.

"So, what movie did you get tickets for?" She asks nudging up against me.

I roll my eyes, "I'm not telling you yet. You'll see when the movie begins."

She pouts but doesn't continue as we walk through the mall. I turn to her and hold out a credit card.


"Take it," I tell her, "Buy anything you want. It's my dad's card anyway."

Her face glows with a wide smile that I haven't seen in a while and she takes the card. We spend these two hours together shopping as I learn more about (Y/N) and her interests. She buys many things including, clothing, games, merch and obviously food.

But soon, the two hours are up and we're on our way back to the theatre. We sneak in a few snacks and find our seats. When the intro for the movie begins, (Y/N) nearly squeals.

"Todo-kun!" She yell-whispers, "How did you know I wanted to see this movie?"

I chuckle, "Just a feeling I guess."

The movie is completely filled with action and definitely gets my adrenaline pumping. I can see the excited look on (Y/N)'s face as she watches her favorite characters win battles and overcome changes throughout the movie.

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