Chapter Twenty-Six: The Fight of Broken Hearts

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Play Hero by Tommee Profitt

"How did they-"

"It doesn't matter," (Y/N) replies, standing in a fighting position, "These are the UA students you described to me."

"(Y/N)-chan!" I yell, "Do you remember me?! We're your friends!"

The girl's stance wavers but she glares, "Why would I be friends with a false hero?"

I flinch at the insult but I decide not to take it to heart.

"Get them!" Shigaraki yells.

The whole League of Villains charge forward. Midoryia stomps, breaking the earth beneath his feet and creating a barrier between the two groups. I freeze the entire area, being sure to cover the entirety of the villains while keeping (Y/N) free. She attempts to help her new "friends" but I create a dome that only holds herself, Bakugo, Midoryia and I.

"(Y/N)-chan," I whisper, "Please. The league lied to you. They manipulated your memories so that you're against us. You have to believe me! US! At least let us show you something."

She creates a wall of energy between the two of us and sighs, "How am I supposed to trust you? You'd easily be able to do the same thing if they did. And if you're lying, I'd put the league in harm's way."

Without saying another word, she takes down the wall between us and charges forward as she covers herself completely in (F/C) energy. I dodge but Midoryia and Bakugo stand their ground. Bakugo fires an A.P shot at her while Midoryia charges up his power and throws a punch.

She dodges both.

And comes straight for me instead.

I quickly melt the dome around us, revealing that our classmates made it inside and began fighting the league members. Small groups of them have singled out each one of the villains and it seems that some are close to winning.

(Y/N)'s face twists with anger and she begins to boil with rage.

I've never seen her like this before. Did they change more about her than we thought? Her eyes begin to burn with fury as her power grows. She wraps kinetic energy around all of the villains separately. My classmates fail to win against their opponents, so we regroup.

"We warned you," Shigaraki mutters, "Trying to take her from us will never work! She will not be a false hero like the rest of you!"

(Y/N) calms slightly, turning to Shigaraki, "I think it's best to leave. This fight could go on for hours. We don't have time for that."

"No!" I reply, jumping forward, "(Y/N)-chan, please! I can't lose you, not again! You have to remember something about me. They may have wiped your memories away but they can't erase your heart. There has to be something inside of you that's screaming that this is wrong!"

She turns back to look at me. At first, I thought she would agree or at least say that something felt off. Instead, she creates a wall to ignore me.

"It's best if we leave now too," Iida says, "I'm sorry."

I fall to my knees, "No.."

Midoryia pats my back, "I'm not giving up either, Todoroki-kun. But Iida's right. We should go back to UA and make a plan. Maybe there's someone out there with a quirk to reverse amnesia."

Despite myself, I let them help me up and we head back to UA high.


It's only been one day since our class attempted to save (Y/N) from the villains and somehow, the entire world has caught wind of it. There are more protests popping up everyday. It's starting to become dangerous for us to leave the building. Everywhere you turn, there's some sort of protest to go save (Y/N).

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