Chapter Twenty-Five: In the Mist

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Back in the League of Villain's hideout, (Y/N) is asleep.

Toga taps the girl's shoulder, "Psst, hey, (L/N)-chan."

The girl stirs, "Mm?"

"Are you awake enough? I mean.. for our explanation."

The (H/C)-haired girl leans up, wiping her eyes, "I think so."

"Tomura-kun, get in here!"

The decaying man enters the room, calmly shutting the door behind himself. He sits down on a chair in front of (Y/N), smiling. For once, it is a warm smile, full of the pleasure to be there. Unlike his other smiles that are full of the passion to kill.

"Do you remember why you are here or who you are?"

She shakes her head, "I only remember my quirk, that's it."

His grin seems to widen, "Well, you're (L/N) (Y/N). You're one of the highest-ranked members on the League of Villains. You have no siblings or parents and we found you when you were a child, abandoned on the side of the road. I'm Shigaraki Tomura, this is Toga Himiko, Dabi, Spinner, Mr. Compress and Twice."

She smiles, leaning up, noticing the device around her neck, "What's this?"

"Oh," Shigaraki chuckles, "That was just a precaution. Your quirk is strong, and since your memory was lost, we were worried that you might get angry if you didn't recognize us so we didn't want to take any risks."

He takes the device off her neck, placing it on a nearby table. He sits down beside (Y/N), wrapping his arm around her shoulders.

"Welcome back."


Today is the final day, we haven't gotten a video just yet. And honestly, I don't think I can handle seeing (Y/N) in any more pain.

"So after this video, we're heading after her, right?" Yayorozu asks.

I nod, "Yeah. I can't just sit here."

"Guys, uhh.." Kaminari catches our attention, "We have a problem."

He turns his phone around to show us. A picture of (Y/N) before she was kidnapped, specifically when her and I kissed as she was in the ambulance towards the hospital. The headline says, "Popular up and coming hero, Genkina, kidnapped by the League of Villains. Heroes refuse to help."

"Someone talked." Bakugo hisses, glaring at majority of the class.

"That's it," I mutter, turning to my class, "We're going after her, now."

"But Todoroki-kun, we still don't know where she is!" Uraraka states, "She could be anywhere."

I sigh, "Fuck. You're right."

I sit back down, attempting to think. Just as I'm about to go back to the videos and try to get clues, Midoryia speaks up.

"Wait," He says, "I think I know."

He goes on to explain that the pro hero he was working with was watching a villain named Overhaul who recently got into contact with the League of Villains. Twice, led Overhaul to where the villains were currently at, so we can assume that they're not too far behind.

"But we can't be sure that she's there," Yayorozu says, "That easily could've just been a meeting place that the villains chose in case there were any leaks."

"It's all we've got to go off of," I reply, "And I'll do whatever I have to in order to save (Y/N)-chan."

So later that night, without any other video being sent to my phone, we set out.

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