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A.N Sorry for the long long delay apologies I'm just getting back into it I will try and finish the book eventually. Lets see how it goes this chapter goes out to roseanncharn123  for reminding me to keep going. 


I buried my face into Daxton's chest, I was breathing heavily but I had to be smarter I needed to think. This was my test what happens next will determine our lives for my pups for my future for the future of my kingdom. I pulled away from Daxton and looked him in the eyes.

"We need to find her"

"I know"

"We need to separate, you question the guards and look into that message it must mean something as its been a constant during these last killings. I have faith in Ava that she will be able to use her ability for good. We have to trust that she will survive until we can find her and the person behind this." I said

"Are you alright?" he asked

"Yes now go I will go to Carlos he must be feeling a whole lot of pain and hating himself, I need to assure him that this is what we were all born for"

"I love you Aurora please be safe"

"I love you too and the same to you"

We both hugged I walked over to the nursery to see my baby boy. 

"Your highness you should be resting" the doctor said

"I will but I need to take my son with me, will he be okay to take home"

"Of course, but I am worried that you have not had enough rest and need to heal, as that was a long delivery"

"I will be fine, I have the Moon Goddess as my healer now go get my pup Doc"

"As you wish"

Once I had Edgar in my arms I kissed him and Thank the Moon Goddess for his beauty

"Come on little one Uncle Carlos needs some love"

As I walked out the hospital I had guards at the ready we got in the car I buckled Edgar into his car seat, Daxton must of known I was going to take him out, I sat next to his car seat and told the guards to drive to Carlos.

When I opened the door to the castle you could hear the dead silence in the hallway and the main entrance I walked up the stairs to Carlos room. I held my son in one arm and knocked on the door

"I told you all to fuck off" he growled then there was a object being thrown at the door and then a knife sticking through the door and just missed my eyes. 

I opened the door "is that anyway to greet your friend" I asked

He looked up with so much sadness and guilt, his hair was disheveled his clothes were torn, and he looked like he aged a century. Then he just started to cry uncontrollably. I walked over to him and held him with one arm and just let him and whispered 'shhh its going to be alright.'

Then Edgar started to cry and we both looked down and Carlos was in shock

"You had a boy"

"As the Moon Goddess said I would I never doubted her"

"Omg he is so cute"

"Do you want to hold him"

'I I I don't know"

I lifted up Edgar and gave him over to Carlos "Here hold him while I go get changed"

I stood to move "Aurora I'm so sorry one minute Ava was there and then then" he started to cry again

"Now you stop, don't you dare cry all over my son, and don't you dare drip your snotty nose on him or I will scratch your eyes out"

He wiped his nose and wiped his tears but still hung his head down low

I sat down next to him "You know she was taken because it is our test Carlos, what we do from here will determine our lives, the lives of our werewolves, we need you to think clearly and act like the warrior you were taught to be, I need you to put your big boy pants on and help me find my daughter and find the person who did this to us, if we wallow in the pits of sorrow we may never find our way out, what has happened could of happened to me, Daxton or even Travis unfortunately it happened to you. This will teach you to be more aware of your surroundings, people who were around my pups, we must learn, we must grow, otherwise how are you going to teach all my pups "

He handed me my son and then stood

"Where are you going"

"I'm going to have a shower and then my Queen we are going to get Ava back I need you to gather Travis and meet me in Daxton's office and by the way you need a shower you stink"


I mind linked Travis to my room, when he came I had him watch over baby while I went for a quick shower and then we gathered a baby bag and baby supplies and meet with Carlos downstairs. I could hear him instructing the guards we walked in to see he had a map laid out on the desk. He had sectioned off certain parts of the map and had already color coordinated the sections and had assigned guards to their sections. 

I walked up to him 

"Anything I can do to help Carlos"

"No my Queen"

"Show me what you have here"

Just as he was about to explain it Daxton walked in, walked start up to me and kissed my forehead. He looked to the pram to see his son fast asleep but that didn't stop him he grab him and placed kisses all over him

"You know he was sleeping" I said

"You know he is my pup" he smirked

"Your on diaper duty then"

"Carlos what have you got" 

Then Carlos explained to us what happened when he left to make his sandwich and how he had checked to make sure the window was locked and that he had closed the door and had carried the baby monitored to the kitchen then he made his sandwich and walked back to Ava's room and walked in to see she wasn't there. Thats when he called the alarm, he run around the building to find a scent nothing, and then he had warriors run in all directions to cover the area, but all came back empty after 20 miles of searching. Then he explained the map who was in charge of each section, and then Daxton explained to us, that he questioned all the guards one by one and not one of them saw or smelt another wolf around the window, they examined the blood it was animal blood, thank god.  He did say that a few guards noticed a fog surround the hospital and that one minute it was there and the next it was gone. So he had toxicologist perform test on some of the guards to see what the substance could be. We would have the results in a few days.

Now it was time for Ava to stay alive. We're coming baby you just need to trust us to find you.

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