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Aurora POV

I rush through the door of the house and lockng it behind me like that's going to stop a wolf. I looked out the window huffing.

"Aurora are you ok"

I screamed and jumped when I turned to see it was Travis. I placed my hand over my fast beating heart

"Bloody hell Travis"

"What's wrong?" He asked

"I think there is a rogue on our territory"

"What!" I heard my Dad approach

"Are you sure" Dad asks "what did he/she look like"

" He was big, he had a cap on, he was wearing a hoodie underneath a cashmere jacket with what looked like a gold emblem on it, and he had these striking blue eyes" I replied

"Oh" Dad and Travis exchanged a look as if knowing who he was

"Do you two know him?" I asked

"Yes hes Alpha Jacob's guest for the next few months he's here on pack business" Dad replied as always never giving to much away

"So why were you running like you've seen a ghost" Travis asked

I explained how I bumped into him and he didn't seem familiar so I freaked out and ran.  And how he told me to wait but I was too scared and ran"

Again Dad and Travis looked at each other, this time I could tell they were both mind linking each other.

"H  E L L O" I yelled "What's with all the stares and mind linking, care to share?" I said with my hands on my hips irritated

"Ah well its kinda pack business sweetheart, the less you know the better, but did you say he asked you to wait but you didn't and you ran?" Dad asked

I shrugged "Yeah I guess"

"Right and you out ran him" Dad questioned

Then Travis looked at me and mind linked me "lie to him sis"

"Um yeah you'll be surprised how fast you can run when your really scared" I sighed

"Oh come here sweetheart" Dad said

I walked into his open arms and found my comfort in his embrace.
I smiled I love my daddy's hugs. 

Travis mind linked "nice work sis"

"Okay well I'm glad you are ok sis,  I'm off to bed it's been a long day" Travis said while stretching and yawning

"See you tomorrow" I said "wait why are you two home I thought I was going to be alone tonight" I asked

"Well the meeting didn't take us that long after all, as for Travis who knows"

"Oh okay" I said knowing Dad couldn't really say much

"Have you eaten I made spaghetti bolognese" Dad asked

"Omg my favorite and nope I'm starving"


Travis POV

After speaking with my Dad at lengths about Aurora and our guest we decided to speak to Alpha Jacob's for guidance. He told us we had an obligation to him to tell him. So Dad insisted I speak with him, as I knew Aurora better than anyone and I could see with my own eyes what needed to be done. Dad was not willing to hear anything about it and it was to personal for him to speak about his daughter in that way. So I got stuck with the short straw and here I am standing outside his office.

I knocked on his door

"Come in" he said

I walked in

"Aaah Travis how can I help you please take a seat"

"Actually I would prefer to stand"

He slanted his head as if questioning my motives

"Suit yourself"

"I understand you met a girl yesterday who may have ran from you"

He quickly stands and looks me in the eyes "you know her, so who is she, I just need to speak to her"

I held up my hand in a gesture to slow down with the questions
"With all due respect Alpha Daxton, I need to know what your intentions are"

He looked at me angrily "Now Travis you know what I'm here for and what it entails, and you are instructed to hand her over no questions asked, so me entertaining these questions are beyond my lack of patience. But I will grant you an insight, please sit and I will explain"

I did as he asked and sat opposite him while I listened to him explain in more detail what the mission was.  I didn't like it but I knew beyond a doubt that he was right. After he finished I sat there it felt like I was forever contemplating what was the right thing to do.

"So tell me Travis who is she and what is she to you?" Daxton questioned

"Sir may I ask one favour"

"You may but you may not like my answer if I don't feel it appropriate"

"Are you willing to win her over or just purely claim her as your own"

"I don't know I've been patient all these years I think I am willing to try to win her over first"

Ok that's sounds ok to me, I guess I can cope with that

"She is my 17 year old sister and you must promise me Sir if you are willing to win her over you must not reveal who you truly are until the time is right or else she will never leave with you willingly"

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