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Daxtons POV

She walked out on me, that women is so frustrating can she not see that I'm trying to care for our pup, that I'm doing everything in my power to keep her protected. Why is she being so stubborn. I mindlinked Carlos

"Come to my office"


I sat behind my desk and I kept thinking about what she said, I thought I could give her space to cool down but it seems to have made it worst.

"What's up"

"What's wrong with my wife"

"Argh well shes sick"

I stood angry why is this the first time I've heard of this

"Carlos what the fuck is going on"

"She had a sore belly a couple of days ago and so we had to admit her, shes stressed"

"Fuck why didn't she tell me why didn't you tell me" I yelled

"She ordered me not to tell you unless you ask"

Argh that bloody amazing women of mine to bloody selfless

"How bad is it"



"The stress she is facing is killing her she needs you, the pup will be fine but she may not survive it"


I mindlinked everyone in my pack

"When you see my wife you tell me asap"

My head was full with everyone agreeing

"Is Aurora not in her bedroom cousin"

"No she packed a suitcase and left I have no idea where she is"

"You didn't think to follow her"

"No I thought I would give her space to think about her place in this kingdom"

"Give her space cousin to think about her place in this kingdom. What are you talking about?"

"She is not of Royal blood she tries to be my equal and shes carrying my pup she needs to know she must follow my command"

"Omg cousin when she didn't say a word of the argument between the two of you, I thought her hormones were on high and she was overreacting but now that I've heard both sides of the argument. You my cousin are in the wrong head space"

"No I am right"

"Ok so what is she to you?"

"Why does everyone keep asking me that?"


"Shes the love of my life, I just want to protect her and keep her safe, within arms length but not to close the enemy will sniff her out and I will get distracted and they kill her in front of me. She will not fight my battle I will fight for her to be protected. I will kill till my last breath if anyone hurts her. I will give up my life for her"

"Ok so what happens if the one that's hurting her is YOU?"


"You have no idea how your words  have destroyed her emotionally that is the same as a knife wound to the chest, only there no visible scars. She is not your mother. She is a smart strong women who will rule and fight by your side"

"No she is forbidden to fight"

"You can't control her, have you seen her fight? Do you know how strong and fast she is?"

"Be careful Carlos you starting to sound like your falling for my wife"

"Daxton I am here to protect my family which includes her now. But you really need to get a grip on reality right now before you lose her for good"


"Find her and bring her to me"

"What are you going to do cousin"

"Just find her"

"Fine but you sort out whatever is going on inside your head before you see her again or else you could kill the one thing that is good for you"

5 days later

I slumped in my chair in my office, it was to hard to go back to the empty room. We still couldn't find Aurora, I know she didn't leave the pack because I would of felt it. I think someone is hiding her. Travis and Jayla have been searching for her my royal guards have been looking for her, but still no one has seen her. And I can't find her scent anywhere. What have I done she could be hurt some where and I don't even know it.

"My king your presence is requested in the cells"

"I'll be there shortly"

I was tired and exhausted but I wasn't giving up on finding her

I walked down the cells and then it hit me Aurora's scent I looked in every cell she was here somewhere. And then I stopped a figure with their back turned to me hiding behind a blanket.

"Open this cell"

"Your highness its regarding the other cell mate"

I growled "I said open this cell now"

He quickly opened the cell door I walked in and turned the figure around and sure enough it was my Aurora. She didn't look good I picked her up and mindlinked the doctor to meet me in the hospital.

When we got there he started to rip away the clothes he grabbed the heart monitor our pup was fine, her belly was so big now

"Your highness we need to deliver this baby, but unfortunately I'm not sure if your wife will survive shes lost alot of weight which will put her under stress when we deliver. What is your recommendation"


"Yes do we save the baby or your wife?"

I growled "you save both, do you hear me Doc you save both"

He bowed

I was ushered out the door and shown to the waiting area. I mindlinked Carlos Travis and Jayla that I found Aurora.

When they approached Travis hit me right on the jaw. My head turned I deserved that.

"You better hope she survives this asshole"

Carlos came and dragged him away.

I sat on the chair outside and waited.

I prayed to the Goddes

Please Goddess forgive me, please save my wife and pup. Please.

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