I guess he's okay.

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I make it about 3 feet out the door before I'm stopped. It's Cato?!
"Hey, you did really good today, you mind showing me something?"
"Maybe, if you teach me how to use the sword."
"Sounds like a plan," he says with a small grin. "Hey, I know we haven't seen each other for a few years, but would you wanna come home with me today?"
"Sorry, I can't my dad isn't here and I have to watch my brother."
"Well then can I come with you?"
"Ugh, fine, whatever," I say as I'm walking away.
He follows me the whole time, and then into the living room, where my brother Joey is on the couch.
Me and Cato walk up to my room and we sit on my bed. He starts to ask me questions, "So how did you go from barley hitting to target to moving up to the older class? Where are your parents? Why didn't you talk to anybody all day?"
"Woah woah, slow down," I say, "okay, so to your first question, I just got better I don't know."
"Well that's pretty far to get in just 2 years."
"Yeah yeah whatever. But to your second question, my mom died a few months after Joey was born, and my dad is a peacekeeper in 7."
His smile drops, and he says with sympathy, "Oh, I'm so sorry, about your mom."
"It's okay, I was only three, and to your third question, I didn't know anybody except you, and I haven't seen you in forever."
He gives out a small laugh, "Yeah. We should hang out tomorrow after training."
I decide he isn't that bad, anymore, and I agree to meet him at the park near my house.
The next day at training, I show Cato how I throw knives, and I can't help to laugh at how this muscular, 5'6, almost 16 year old boy, is throwing my easiest knife and not even getting close to the target. I guess it's just not his thing.
When he shows me how to use his sword, I get the hang of it pretty quickly. I mean I'm not as good as him but I can at least stab someone in the thigh pretty well. When he was showing me he stood behind me, put his warm hands on mine, and I have to say I love it. I think I'm starting to love him too.
We keep showing each other things until it's time to go.
I run home and start to get dressed. I just put on jeans, brown boots, a white shirt, and my brown leather jacket, with all my knives on the inside.
I meet him at the park at about 5, and he hang out for a few hours. We mostly just sit and talk on the field. it starts to get dark around 8, and he walks me home. When we just get to my house, it starts to rain. He lives about 20 minutes away, so I let him stay the night.
He watches tv for a little bit while I get changed, and then I come join him.
We stay up until about 11 and then we decide that we should probably go to sleep.
My bed is pretty big, so we share it for the night.
That was probably the best night ever. We laid down next to each other, somewhat spooning. The feel of his warm breath on my neck was the best thing I've ever felt. I couldn't sleep, but I just laid there with him. Sometime in his sleep, he pulled me close to him, and I just about died inside. It's the best feeling ever, to have someone you love cuddle up next to you.

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