Chapter 1

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"Calliena Troy." I heard my name was called by the nurse. I get up and walk into the room. "Oh my old friend!!" I glared at Honey as I take a sit on the chair."I'm not sick.... And, why did the nurse called me as if I'm your patient? Everyone was looking at me... It's like I'm the one that freaking bring the virus along with me?"

"It was just for fun? It's not like you are here and 'pay me for a visit'.... Anyway, do you want to join me? I mean, for a vacation since you're jobless now...." She said, as she put down her stethoscope that was hanging around her neck.

"Sure, but where?"

"Anywhere, far from the city, people... Well, this is my idea. We're going to my family penthouse. We just need to buy the groceries. Well, we can go during the winter. It'd be great once it starts snowing. I'm so excited!!" I've never been to the penthouse. I know, her family owns one but I never went to theirs as I keep declining because of work."That sounds fun?"

"I know you're going to agree with me."

"Obviously, I've no choice here. But, I've enough money to buy whatever we need for the vacation. Why you're suddenly needed this 'holiday'? I know you're hella workaholic, Dr. Honey."

"This woman, just got dumped. You know what, that guy, he is my ex's step brother. After he found out that I know Theo, he just left me alone and I have to pay for the bills... I kinda need 'me' time, Cal. I do love with what I am doing right now but, working here, the thing is you're always needed. Sometimes I feel like I need a mini break from reality but, I know I'll probably have it later once I'm all done with whatever the hell that should be done... "I nodded.

She's right, it's probably, not that easy to balance the time for herself and work. She doesn't really have time for family and friends but I do admire that she gets to make sure no one's feels left out. Though, she's working under her dad's hospital, but I know her so damn well. She's not going to make this as the privilege but she's seeing this as another opportunity. She's still working hard as ever and helping those who need their help.

"Are you going-

"High school reunion party? Yea, I'm going. I'm not going with a date for sure... If that's what you're asking?" I 'ooh' at her. "I'm going, see you next week then?" Her hand gestures as if she's 'shooing' me away. "Yea, you can leave. Go away, Callie!"

I'm Calliena Tiara Troy. I used to work at my mum's company but after that one spectacular incident, I lost my job. It's not that I quit or my mum fired me but, the company went bankrupt. I've been staying with dad eversince I'm 7. Well, my parents got divorced when I was only 5. But, I'm glad that, mum and dad, they let me have that 'normal' life just like other kids. They're still there for me but, it's just them, living separately and away from each other. I'm getting used to it, especially, during my teenage years and I don't think I should feel sad over what had happened. Just like what people always said, we should see the bright side of it, even if the road leads to nowhere.

"Dad?? Dad, where are you?"

"Your dad just left... So, you're his daughter?" I nod at that guy. I've never met him, nor dad did introduced him to me before. But, all I can say is he seems like he's around my age. He's wearing a black suit that complimented his tall and a bit muscular body that he has.

"What's your name?" I didn't answered, as I bite my inner lip. "Cat got your tongue, sweetie?" He added. I only stare on the floor, didn't dare to look into his eyes. "I just came home and you're freaking sitting on the sofa and then ask my name casually?? Gosh!! You're-

"What? You're saying that I'm rude? Well, your dad asks me to stay for awhile... I wait here because he asks me to. I know it's rude to barge into someone's house. So, miss, pardon my manners and, that was just a simple question and you can't answer? I can't believe a daughter to a lawyer quite-

"Go ahead. Say it."

"Oh,sir."I turned around and dad came, while holding a few piles of files. He doesn't look furious, but instead he's calm.

"So, you finally met my daughter, Daniel?"

"Wait, Daniel? Daniel as in Daniel Drew?? Shit."

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