Chapter 7

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It's been a few weeks passed and I'm still mourning over dad's death. If I've to be honest, I don't know how to cope with it. It's depressing, realising that he's not longer around and I won't be seeing him anymore. It feels just like yesterday when that unlucky incident happened. I've been sleeping most of the time and I don't even feel like coming out of the room.

I woke up to mum's voice was on the phone."You can't, idiot! Why if we're going to get caught??? No, no, don't let other people involve in this shit we have been dealing with.... Call me again once you got the updates. Okay, okay, bye. Shit!" I rubbed both of my eyes, as the sunshine is greeting me with the light that's asking me to wake up.

"Honey?"I startled. I unlock the door and open it. "Mum." I said. "Do you want to go out today, with your mama?" I only give her 'seriously' look. "Fine, you don't want-

"I'm going but give me 15 minutes to get ready." She nods. I try not to tell Daniel what mum just said just now. But, still, I've to tell him where we're going. Mum has been acting so damn suspicious and she has been talking in such a weird manner. It's just, doesn't sound like her. "Yes, we're going to the coffee shop. Don't let her see you and your bodyguards."

"Okay." Daniel said. I get into the white t-shirt while wearing the overall. I get downstairs but, she's nowhere to be seen. "Mum?" I said. I take a look at the kitchen but she wasn't there. "Honey.... I'm still in the toilet!"

I plopped on the couch and let out a sigh. "Why do I feel so fucking tired? Geez..." I heard a flush sound, that was coming from the toilet. Maybe it's a mum's habit. Everytime before going out, she's probably went to the toilet and make me wait. "Let's go, honey." I keep glancing on my phone screen. Why he didn't texted me? Did he changed his mind?? "Honey, are you sure you'd be okay?"

"Yea... You're meeting your client and that sounds urgent. I don't mind if I've to wait at the coffee shop. You're going to join me later, don't you?"

"Yes, Jon will be here... "

"Okay... I try not to make a scene." Jon, he's mum's 'friend' but, more like annoying boyfriend of hers. I can't stand him and he's just so freaking grossed. I don't know what mum sees in him. Dad was better, I swear.

"Bonjour, missy." I look up. Jon smiled at me. By the way, he's not French. He just thought he's cause he's been wearing that French style. "Yea, hi, do you mind if I tell you to just go home? You don't have to babysit me, Jon. I won't tell mum and you're going to do the same thing... Deal??"

"I can't, Calliena. Being honest, with each others, it's important when you're in a relationship. I'm not a liar-

"Bla, bla, black sheep,Jon.... Can you please stop giving me those kinda relationships advice? It's not like I need it." I take a sip of coffee and "You're giving me headache, Jon."

"You're young but you look hella stress." He laughed, in the most jokery way. Well, only joker can relate to his laugh. "What's so funny? Can you keep your voice down?? Even your laugh is creeping me out...." He takes the coffee cup from me and crush it. How dare he do that? It costs me $10 to buy one. "I am, if only you know who killed your dad. Let me tell you one thing, Calliena. Maybe, it's true after all that committing a crime is illegal but taking a revenge on someone is legal enough..."

I glared at him. What kinda of hint he's trying to tell me? "Stop bringing up bout my dad. I know you're mum's boyfriend and I should try at least to be nice towards you. Though, I don't even like you. But, if you keep saying this and didn't just tell me, maybe, I should tell mum bout you and your ex wife."

"Huh?You're trying to threaten me now?? You should take back what you just said before I take away your life. I can ruin you, your mum or your knight in shinning armor life, in just a quick second. You, don't you even try to tell that to your mum... If you did, it's not like she's going to believe you, Callie. So, mind your own fucking business, slut."

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