Chapter 17

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"Yea, I'm sorry for keeping you waiting. I shouldn't waste your time, Stel. I guess I'll be spending my time walking around here."

"Are you sure? I'm sorry that I'm kinda been a little annoying. Stef did told me bout the girl he's seeing but, he just looks sad. I don't see his eyes light up when he talks bout her. I thought that, if you join us, he'd be happy. It's like a mini reunion for the three of us. Maybe, this is my fault, for being too pushy. Sorry, Callie if I make you feel bad. I didn't mean to, I'm just, I want to spend my time with you and Stefan again... "

"It's fine, I get it. I feel like I just interrupt something that's already been planned. I'll get going. Thank you, Stel. Bye."

"Be safe, Callie. If there's anything, don't hesitate to call or text me." I nodded. I know she's being sincere but, maybe she went too far. "I will, don't worry. Bye to you to, Trevor."

"Bye, Calliena. It'd be nice if three of us hang out, right baby?" Stella smiled. "Yea, maybe some time?" I added. "Sure, we are always free." That's Stella being Stella. "Okay."I sat on the chair alone. I'm surrounded with couples today.

"Why am I single?"


"Hey, sis."

"Stef, you're early. I thought you're going to your pony's house."

"My pony? It's just, uh, casual but it'll get serious sooner. I guess.... Where's Callie? Isn't she with you guys??" Trevor and Stella share a look. "I'm sorry dude. Even if you're being casual with that pony, you shouldn't just left Callie like that. You don't even say something to her." Trevor is right but, I don't want her to misunderstood and give her a fake hope. "What if she thought I'm giving her a hint?"

"Stef, I don't know why do girls, find a guy like you attractive. You're dumb af, Stefan. If you think that way, then, that's how it's. Just be nice and say she looks pretty at least. I've been helping her, okay? It's like you don't appreciate her and my fucking effort. If something happens, don't you dare to ask me about what happened. I won't  let you see her either... Stefan. Listen, I'm warning you bout your ex and I'm right. Then, this pony, I'm not trying to make a decision for you but, the girl you've been with just, ugh. They don't want you or accept you for who you are, they just want what you have and nothing else, I swear. Okay, I won't get into your business anymore. If you have problem with your relationship, deal it with yourself. Don't run at me and ask for some advice. "

"Let's order then, Trev."


"Miss, it's time for us to close the cafe." I get up from the chair."Oh okay. I'm bout to go..." I wait for the uber at the outside while on my phone. "Miss Troy?" I looked up. "Stef, what are you doing here?"

"I came to say sorry."

"You can just text me. It's not entirely your fault, Stef. Why do you need to apologise? Is it because your sister asks you to?" Yes, he should've said that. I feel so embrassed when he came and makes things awkward.

"It's... And yes, I should just do that to you... Callie, if you're mad at me, I understand. I just made you feel bad. It's just, I'm still seeing someone and give this new relay another chance... "


I caught a guy wearing hoodie, standing not far from us. He's just a few blocks away. He is still staring at us and I thought it was just in my head. He was wearing a black mask on the same time, just like how serial killer in the movie usually look like. But, could that possibly be Daniel? He's walking towards Stefan. But, more like running as if he has been holding grudges on him. I manage to pull him away from that guy as I turn to give my back. I place my hand at the back of mine when I feel like I'm bout to pass out. What's on my hand? Is that blood? My vision gets blurry before I manage to stand. I could barely opened my eyes."Why? Why do you look so pale? Callie!! Oh shit, I've to get the taxi."

I woke up to the voices of people talking. "You're awake. Thanks god..." He takes my hand. "Huh?"

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