Chapter 3

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Here I'm, back again, living in that luxurious life. I've been staying at the apartment near mum's company before and have been living alone. Every month, I've to pay for the rent and go to the market to buy groceries. I came to see dad during the weekend. Things changed now, as I'm not longer working.

As Daniel's driver park the car, I saw the sign from a far. It's a Chinese restaurant. I groaned at the thought of it. It's not like I hate this place but this is where everything started. It brings me a bitter memory that I'll never forget. This is where mum and dad had a fight and mum asked dad for a divorce.

"Sir, how can I help you? Have you made the reservation?"

"Yes, reservation for three, under my name, Daniel Drew."

"Okay... This way, Mr Drew."

"Can she just tell us the table number? Gosh, I rather have my dinner at the subway." The three of us follow that waitress from behind. "Oh, a vip room??" I added. "Obviously." Daniel answered, in his 'I'm irritated' tone.

"You're sure you don't want to order something? At least beverage or anything?" I shook my head. "I'm good..." I replied. It's weird to be here. Though, dad loved going to this restaurant, but he never booked a vip room. For him, it's just going to cost him a fortune.

"I've to take this call." Dad said. It's just me and Daniel in the room. But, he seems like under pressure while texting someone."Calliena. Do you hate me?" His eyebrows furrowed."What? I don't hate you. I only dislike you, Daniel... Maybe, I can change the dislike to like someday." He hand me his phone. "Take it."

"I may be job-less but I still have a phone with me... "

"No, it's not that. Shit, I'm bad at this... I need your number. No, no, I mean can I have your number?" I stare at the phone. I look up at him and he's still shoving his phone at me. If he's a stranger, I'd just throw the phone away. "Fine." He may think it's my number but instead, I gave him Becca's number. I cover up my mouth as I laugh silently.

"But, don't call me right now. My phone is dead."

"Oh okay." He said. At first, I thought he'd get suspicious but, he's not. Is he really like believe me? Does he knows that I'm lying to him? This guy looks like that FBI agent that made a research bout you and became undercover. I kinda find him, creepy? But, he's a lawyer. So, it's quite understandable.

Dad walks in and sit at the place where he sat minutes ago. He looks tense. "Excuse me first." I get up and go to the toilet. I send a quick text to Becca to tell her bout what I just did. "I bet she likes him. Let's just pray she's not going to be mad.... Oh please, dear becca... "

"You're back. So, your dad told me about your favorite here. It turns out we do have something in common." I made a 'tch' sound to show him the disapproval. "Yea, yea." I only sat with them two and just on my phone the whole time. I glanced at the food but, it only makes me want to get home and just grab a jar of cookie instead.

"Callie, you shouldn't just look at the food. I know, you're hungry... Here, some." Dad said. "No, it's fine dad." I replied. "Your dad is right. It's not like you have the ability to eat with your eyes..."If he says one more word, he better be sorry. "I don't but, I can see it with my eyes and I'm so sure, it's not illegal to do so... Am I right, Mister lawyer? You may know the laws by your heart but that doesn't mean you can say anything you want to say because you're good with words."

"Whoa, Calliena... I feel like you're calling me out right now."He laughed, nervously. Then, he continue eating the noodle and ignore me. At least dad is here to keep him company. Did I just snapped at him?"Thank you for tonight, Daniel." He smiled.

"Welcome, sir. Maybe we can have another dinner sometime. Angela would be happy to see you and your daughter." Angela? Is he married? "Sure, but, can I ask a favor from you? I'm not saying that this restaurant didn't served the best chinese cuisine but, this place, holds a special place in my heart but let's just say, there's a story behind it... I rather not said it here."

"I get it, sir. That wouldn't be a problem."

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