Chapter 21

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"Hey, hey, don't listen to him. Just stay okay??" Stella said. "Is it true, Callie?" I get up and walk out of the dining room. I don't want to deal with this. I just got lots on my mind. "Callie... Just tell me." She said. She demanded for the answer as she's blocking my way out.

"I'm sorry that I don't own what I just did by just admitting it. That's true. I thought  I rather hide this from you and mum but, Stefan just, I mean, he just, confront me in front of you. So.... I don't care if you don't want to see me again but, just don't tell my mum bout this. I don't want to see her,being sad again. I may act like I've done something without trying to be rational or being a total dumbass but, if only you're in my position, then you know how angry I was."

"You know what? Your dad is a lawyer, why can't you just let it go and just live your life?" Stefan said. "I fucking knew that, Stefan. You, you know nothing, Stefan. Stop acting like you're there when I'm at my worst... I know, you don't like me. You're trying to, because of Stella. I've no one anymore, I know mum isn't out of the town and have no fucking idea when is she really coming back. For sure, she won't.  I don't know why she ran away and left her daughter here. I don't need your fucking sympathy, Stef. Or from you Stella... And including you, aunt Rosa. I just, maybe, I don't belong here, in this world. I'd trade my life with dad, if that's what happiness costs me. Some people better off dead, right? Instead of, being a burden to the living people... "

"Callie. I-

"Cal, I'm still here for you. I know you've done something that will never be forgiven... After your parents divorced, you've been living with your dad, without your mum by your side and that man, would do anything for his only daughter... I'm glad you keep me updated though we're not in the same country. I don't know how it really feels like but, I know it's not easy for you to go through this... And, Stef, what has gotten into you?"

"I want to say sorry for, everything. Maybe this could be, the last day I'm here... thanks Stella. You're the god gift that I didn't asked for. You're literally that one friend for life."

4 months later

"Miss? Miss." I blinked. "Isn't you're supposed to be at gate 8?" The old woman glanced at my plane ticket."Yes, thank you." I grab my backpack and try to get to gate 8 by walking faster than usual. "Shit!"

"Miss, you-

"Daniel Drew?" He stopped for a second. I'm so fucking sure it's him. "Yes, that's me. Who are you?? How did you know my name?" He asked. Did he lost his memory or is it just all an act? "Nevermind."

I get into the plane and held my head down. "We meet again, miss." He said. "Ohh,shit! Why you're here?" He smiled. "I'm heading to Cali, just like you. Why do you look so pale? Your eyes looking at me as if you're looking for the answers.... "

"N-nothing... Uh, I'm good."

"So, what's your name miss?"

"Callie." He nod. "Hmmm, can I ask for your number?" I didn't expect him to be this straightforward. "I, I'm sorry but, I kinda-

"It's okay if you don't want to... I was just asking. Too bad, I missed another fucking chance... More like a huge loss to me, Calliena Troy."

                         THE END

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