Chapter 6

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"Callie!!" It's mum. "Mum." I said. I released myself from the hug and walk towards mum. She hugs me and I bury my face on her neck as she starts stroking my hair. "Everything is going to be better, Callie. I'm going to make sure we manage to find the culprit. At the moment, you'll stay with me."

"Mrs Troy?"

"Eliza." Mum said. "I'm Daniel Drew. Is it okay if I offer you my help? If you refuse, I understand." I let go from the hug. "You have to tell me first. I can't say I'm going to agree with you right away... "

"Actually, I decided to hire bodyguards for Callie. She really need them and of course, you too, Eliza. I'll make sure they're going to guard the house as well... Just incase someone is trying to break in." Daniel said. "Okay, but, why do you said so? Is this like were all planned by someone? What makes you so sure bout it, Daniel? Are you the one who's behind this death of him?"

"I just, I've been dealing with crime cases, Eliza. This is what my gut have been telling me and it's never wrong... I'll make sure that you and your daughter are safe. You just need to trust me on this. Even if you don't, I'll still do whatever I can...."

"Mum.... He was with me that time. You shouldn't just accuse him like that." I know I just met him and I don't know why am I defending him instead of agreeing with what mum just said. He's capable of doing it but, I don't think so he did it. But, could he?

"Fine, sorry, Daniel. I'm going to accept your offer. But, if I found out, you're the one who did it, you better kill yourself first. Unless you want to get jailed." His expressions changed, from being hopeful to sad. "Mum, you're being quite harsh, mum... We better go home before you said something that's even more worst." Mum glared at me.

"It's fine, Callie."

"Thank you, Daniel."

"Stay safe." He said. Mum walks faster than she normally did. I feel bad that he needs to see this side of mum. I just wish she can say something that's nice to hear. The car park was kinda empty and it gives eerie vibe. I wonder how does it feels to work at this hour. "You're so slow, get in now... FASTER!"


As I get into the car, she starts driving and "Are you in hurry?" I asked. "No, I hate hospitals." She said. During the car drive, there's only the radio sound that can be heard and I don't feel like talking. So does mum, I guess. She manage to break the silence once we stop as the traffic light turns to red.

"Callie, that guy, I don't think he's a good guy."

"What do you mean? If he's not, he's going to just leave me at the hospital, while sobbing over dad... Instead, he stays with me, mum."

"You don't understand, honey. I have been there and I don't want it to happen twice. I don't want you, my daughter, have to go through the same thing as I did, all over again... At first, he surely have good intentions but, he's not going to help us without getting something in return. I know, your dad, have a lot of people that don't like him. They're waiting for the perfect moment to bring him down.It's just, most of them, they're master at manipulating and make sure we fell into their trap... If you think you can trust him, go ahead but, be cautious... I'm telling you this just incase I'm next."

The conversation I had with mum create the scenario that keeps playing in my head, over and over again. Mum could be right but, he's the only one that can help us right now... Even if he has other motive, I don't think that I'm that stupid. He can try to blind me with his charisma but, I'll figured it out before he starts his next move.

I take  a quick shower as we get home. I get into my onesie and place my head on the pillow. "It's been a long day..."

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