Chapter 8

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I take another glance at him and leave the coffee shop. I can't stand, just being near Jon. How dare he called me slut? I dial on Daniel's number and call him. It does suprise me when he answer it right away. "Hey, you're alright?"

"I am, I was just mad. I need to rant now... Are you busy? I'm sorry if I interrupt your-

"No. I just went to the police station... I'm quite free today."

"What?" He sighed. "Well, I'm not a police officer but, I just had a quick meeting with my client.... So where are you now? I'll pick you up."

"I'm still at the same place I told you."

I send mum a text and let her know I'm going out with Daniel. Honestly, I'd do anything to make sure Jon didn't get married with mum. Even if she didn't believe with what I told her, doesn't meant I've to just let it go and gave up.

"Hey." I get into the car and notice that he's not wearing something formal.

"Hey. So, you want me to take you home?"

"No, let's just go somewhere else..."

"I know a place. You should feel special cause I never bring anyone to that place except my family." I smiled. He smiled back at me as he starts to focus on the road again. "Okay then... That's sweet, D."

"But,close your eyes first." And I did. I closed my eyes and I can feel his hand reach mine. "I hate surprises, Daniel.... Wait! You're not going to murder me, don't you?"

"I don't. Just trust me."

I heard the car engine stop minutes ago but I haven't open my eyes yet cause I didn't hear him asking me to do that. Even the car is, as it's not longer in the motion. I slowly open my eyes. I turn on my left but Daniel isn't here with me. I looked around and all I see is, trees and trees and trees. Am I stuck in the middle of the forest?The car was unlock but, his bag is still in here. I take my stuff with me and try to find Daniel. "Daniel?? DANIEL!"

I get nothing in reply. There's no sound of people walking on the dry leaves or his voice that's trying to call me from wherever he's at. Did he leave me here on purpose?

"Daniel?!! Where the fuck are you?"

I saw a man figure, that's giving its back to me. "Is that you? Daniel? You're freaking me out!" That man didn't even turned back. He didn't even startled, he shows no respond at all. I take a step closer. "Daniel?? ANSWER ME!! DON'T FUCKING THINK THIS IS FUNNY!"

That man finally facing me but he's holding a knife. His face is covered with a mask. I could barely see his face, all I know is he's got green eyes. The blood is still dripping from the knife. "Don't get near me!" I shouted. I run as fast as I can though my legs kinda trembling after seeing a dead body next to that man. "You'll be fine, Callie."

I finally found Daniel's car but it's locked. "No,no.... Shit! you've got to be kidding me.... I don't want to die, at least not here."

I have to find the way out. I saw a small cottage not far from where I'm standing and quickly run towards it as if I'm doing my home run. "It's either I live or I die."

As I get into the cottage, I found a room, where the door isn't closed. It's completely open, as if you're invited to get into the room but still feels unsafe. "Help... Help me."

"Daniel?" I said. "I am right here." I saw him, got tied and it seems like he has been beaten up badly by someone. "What happened?" I asked him.

"That man, he did this to us.... He hit you a moment ago. I thought you're dead, Callie. I've been trying to get myself out from this freaking rope all over me. Call someone now... We need a help. He's not just a man, he's a murderer..." I called my friend and also the police."He did what? Nevermind... Well, they'll be here, soon. But, where are we??"

"Sakura forest."


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