Chapter 19

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"None. Those 3 options are fucking useless, bastard."

"How dare you, Callie?" I can feel my hands are shaking as I take the gun behind my pocket. "God, forgive me... Daniel. You're talking to a daughter which is, her dad was dead because of your fucking dad. It's literally disgusting, being here with a criminal's son.... Do you think a deal would bring my dad back? No, they don't. Never. I don't even fucking care anymore." I pull the trigger and aim it at his heart. I never hold a gun before but, I manage to shot him before he manage to run or do the same thing to me."Good bye, Daniel Drew."

"Oh god... Callie."

I saw Stefan and Stella, looking at me, horrified. "You killed him? What if you get jailed? CALLIENA Troy! ANSWER ME!" Stella said. "Stel, before I do something, I know what am I doing... Even if I've to face whatever the fuck the consequences are, I don't care. At least I just did a justice for my dad. Call the police, Stella." I said. I know she's on my side. But, she just witnessed someone's death and hell, she's probably change her mind instead of getting involved in this mess. "I'm not going to. I know-


"So, Stef, do me a favor then." I said. Why should I be scared? "I'm sorry, Callie." Stella takes the phone away from him and threw it on the floor. "Don't you fucking dare, idiot." She warned.


"It's fine, I'll be leaving and so you two. I'm heading to the police station. Just want to let you two know that I care about you guys." They follow me from behind."Callie.... Can we talk?" I get into the car. "Talk?? What are we? A couple that just had a fight? Fuck no." He let out a sigh. "Callie. Please?"

"At the lake, meet me there."

I sat by the lake, throwing the pebbles into the water. "Callie." I turned around. "Stefan. So, are you just going to stand there?"

"Course not." He sits next to me, but leaving a small space between us. "So, talk." I said. "I thought you're not going too far, Callie. But, I was right you're going to lose control. You feed your anger, Cal... I'm sorry to say this but you're lowkey insane." I glared at him and he quickly looks away. " I'm beyond insane if you read my mind. Stef, say what the fuck you want. You don't understand. I guess nothing-

"Wait, I've one more thing to say." He gulped. "What's that one thing?" He takes a minute to close his eyes. "I, want to ask you to be my, someone special in my life. But, lots of things happened and you're under the stress. I don't want to ruin the chance but, I just did it without I even realised. I-

"Stefan. Just forget it. Go and find someone else... I don't think that you want to live with me. You'd be feeling guilty, Stef. I don't want you to go through shits with me. You deserve more, Stef. Oh yeah, your pony, she better stop bitching instead of  making your sister's life miserable. Stef, if only you know the real of that pony. Anyway, it's not my place and I'm going."

I did dreamed of us together. But, I guess we'll never meant to stay in each others life. There's just a lot of obstacles that looks like a warning as if the universe telling me he's not the one for me. "Goodbye, Stefan." I said. He's still standing there, as if he's waiting for me to go first. I drive around the town and Harry called me. "Fuck."

"Callie. Did you heard the news?"

"Y-yes...." I try to say something, as minimal as I can. I don't want him to get suspicious. "From now, we'll be guarding your condo. We still haven't found his dad. Maybe he's could be the one who did this..."

"I'll be out of the town for awhile, Harry. My mum will be back soon... You can inform this to her later. As soon as I get back, I'll call you."

"Sure. Stay safe."

I'm feeling like a misguided ghost. I don't know where should I go. My phone keeps ringing. I swear I want to throw it but then, "Stef? What he does  wants this time??" I pick up the phone and "Yes, Stef?"

"I need you help."

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