Chapter 2

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"Yes, that's me." I gasped. "You're not faking it? I mean, your identity??" He chuckled. A smirk spreads across his face. "I don't, Callie...Why should I? I'm Daniel Dean Drew. By the way, I know your name." He winked at me. I turn at dad nervously and I know I just did something that's probably going to ruin his business.

"Sorry, dad." He doesn't respond. He put down the files on the table and sit next to him. "It's fine, dear. I hope you're understand, Daniel. Well, my daughter just is in the middle of her  life crisis..." Why can't he use other excuse? Does he needs to tell him everything?? Maybe, it could be worst... Oh, right, my daughter just lost her job and can you help her to find one? Sometimes, I just hate dad being like this.

"I totally understand, sir." I'm not going to let myself die in embrassment this time.  I quickly run upstairs and get into my room,locking it with the hope dad won't barged in and lecture me right away.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck... What I just did?" I whispered, under my breath. I want to check on what they're talking bout. Why am I suddenly gets curious? I lean closer to the door.

"I thought that you're staying here alone, sir..."

"I've been keeping this from everyone in the office. I have been living here with my daughter since she's 7. I just don't feel like, talking bout my personal life, Daniel. If you're interested with it, now, it's not the right time for it... Get back to the business, Drew."

That's dad. It doesn't matter if that person is close to him or just accquantaince, he hates it when someone start prying bout his personal life. He choose to tell them only certain things but, not a complete whole story. Somtimes, he just let the silence answer it which means he defintely choose not to let others know.

"I'm sorry for what I-

"It's okay, Daniel. Just don't do it, next time?"

I lay on the bed, not knowing what else to do to kill this boredom. My stomach starts to growl. "Please, not right now, buddy." I start to scroll through my Instagram. "Oh god, sushi would be great." I closed the app and get downstairs. "Calliena?"

"Yes, dad?" I said. I walk toward the sofa, just close enough to be able to hear what dad want to say to me.

"Can you please make a-

"Coffee?" I cut him off immediately as Daniel starts to turn around. "Coffee? Oh yeah, no sugar." He replied. "Mine, you know what's my favorite, hun."

As I enter the kitchen, I start to look around, wondering where Dale or Becca went. But, neither of them, they are nowhere to be found. I take two cups and starts pouring the coffee with the hot water. Though, having a coffee machine would makes life easier but only if dad isn't that stingy.

"I guess I've to do this on my own again.... DALE! BECCA!?" I place both of the cup on the tray. "Here it's." I said. "Thank you, Calliena." Daniel looked at me. He looks unsatisfied as he takes one sip, it's clearly written on his face. "I think mine got switched up with yours, sir? it tastes sweet..."

"Right, but she can-

"No, I'm good, sir."

"I can make another one. No worries..." I get back to the kitchen. I feel like a maid now and I swear I'd yelled at anyone due as I'm literally  starving. "Gosh, I need food."

"Miss!!" I heard a male and female voice came from behind. "Now, you two, came. Right, Mr Drew wants a black coffee with no sugar. Did you guys prepare anything to eat?" They both shook their head. "Your dad told us you're going out with him for a dinner..."

"I'm going to die."

"But, we can cook something for you miss.... What do you want to eat then?" Dale offered. Becca already left the kitchen and go to the living room.

"Nevermind, I just lost my appetite."

"Sir, here is the coffee." Becca said. I stare at her from afar , as i crossed my arms. Wait, is she shy or what? I never seen she's blushing before."Thank you." I found a box on the table with a note on the top of it.

"It's too early to hate me, Callie. Make sure you wear this dress for the dinner. I owe your dad this time. - D"

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