Chapter 10

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"We're here. Are you sure you'd be okay alone?" Honey asked. "I will, I'll called you if something happens.." I said, trying to reassure her. I do have a bad feeling going into mum's place. "I'll go with you." Daniel said. "Oh okay."

"I TOLD YOU! SHE'S AN EVIL CHILD! WHY DO YOU LET YOUR DAUGHTER LIVES HERE?!!" I know that's Jon. I bite my inner lip and looked down. "J, she's a good daughter. Even she said something bad to you, it means she sees that you're-

I heard glass shattering and Jon's shouting. "Daniel... We have to do something!" Daniel takes out his phone and "Gerald, can you come by Avenue? I kinda need your help... Thanks."

"Callie, we shouldn't just barged in. Well, Jon used to my friend's client so, I'll tell you about that later. I know you're worried but my friend will be here. He's going to settle this shit." I nodded.

He's right, I hate it when he always right. I've been letting my head takes the lead and just act without thinking throughly. "Let's get away from here. We better wait at the lobby."

I saw a man in suit came in. "Gerald. Thanks for coming." Daniel said. They had a handshake and it feels like I'm in the some typa spy movie. He offered me a smile and I reply with a smile. "Your welcome. So, where is he?"

"Room 32."

"Okay. Daniel, come in with me. While, your lady wait at the outside... If she insist, then, I'm sorry lady I'd let you be the bait in this case." As we get into the elevator, I only stare at the ground. My mind is blank and I just wish life would be more kinder to me. But, it doesn't. "You'll be fine. I promise it'll goes back to normal." I can feel the warmth of his hand as he touch my hand. "I hope so."

"I'm feeling like I'm doing you two a favor." Gerald finally spoke. I almost forget he's been here with us the whole time in the elevator. "Huron." Daniel lowered his eyes. "Right, Drew?" I look at him then Gerald. Gerald chuckled and look at me."What are you guys talking bout?" I whispered him in the ear.

"We are here."

Daniel clears his throat. "Are you just going to stay there? So that I can be your prince and pick you up like a bridal style? If you think I'd do that, not going to." He said. "No, I'm bout to go out. Why you're in hurry? Why you're suddenly saying that? Gosh, don't tell me you're possessed!"

"Your boy is nervous. Relax, Daniel."

He pounded on the door with both fists. He kicks the door with his legs and the door fell down. It was quite impressive... "God, we need to buy a new one later..." I said. "Oopsie, lady."

"Jon! And you... Eliza? Sorry for breaking in. I may have done a little damaged on the door, nevermind. We'll fix that matter later. So, Jon,  Gerald. It's good to see you again, old friend." I can hear Gerald's voice, not far from where I'm waiting at. I'm sure Jon would lose his shit if he saw me. Why does he hate me that much?

"Gerald? You've been a good lawyer to me. Why are you here? So, are you trying to switch the side now?? Hey, Eliza, did you called him up? Your new se-

"ENOUGH JON!" I slowly walk in and hide behind Daniel. I thought one of them would noticed me sneaking in but none, even Daniel. "ELIZA!! HOW DARE YOU SLAP ME?!" He lift up his hand as he's bout to hit mum. "Don't do it, Jon. You're going to regret it..." Gerald warned. Just right on time, his hand starts shaking and he put his hand down. Mum takes a few steps back from him.

"I told you, enough is enough.... Stop saying that I need a new sex toy! I've been staying in this relationship because you're Troy's friend and I know I can count on you. It's been more than 5 years we're together. But, after Troy die, what happened to you? Everyone is sad, Jon.... It's not just you. Though he's my ex husband, but, I still care bout him because we have a daughter. I'm probably not a good mum but, at least I'm trying, Jon. I thought, you and her will get along... But-

"You never there for her, right? She has been growing up without a mother figure in her life while Troy, always busy with work... No wonder she's rude, Eliza. You failed, El. You should claim your own shits and stop with that excuse saying that I'm the problem here. We're done and adios, I'm leaving. Don't expect me to come back again."

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