Chapter 12

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"Morning, miss Troy."

"Morning, Fiena. So, how's your day?" She raised her eyebrow. "Great but miss, we have a little problem."

"What's it? Let's get it done and fixed it."

"I don't know if you like this but, let's go to the cctv room." She said. I don't like hearing this and where this thing is going. "Oh okay if you said so." Rory already there. "Hello, miss." She said. I greeted her back and "So, Rory, Fiena, explain to me."

"Here's a footage of a guy that came to your office yesterday after you left. He was furious and I've no choice but, to let him in. I'm sorry, miss. I've no idea what does he wants.... Miss, do you know him? If yes, then, everything is settled." Fiena asked Rory to play the cctv footage again and zoom in."I, kinda know him... Don't worry, leave it to me."

It's Daniel. I've been calling him for weeks but he didn't answered. During the lunch break, I drove to his condo, that's not far from the office. "I swear if he's here now, I'd killed him."

I knocked on the door. "Daniel! Open the door!" I shouted. "Yes, Callie?" His eyes was half opened, did he just woke up? "I've got lots of things to do. Tell me, what did you do in my office? Are you trying to find that document in my office?"

Yes, it's been awhile we didn't talked or hang out. Even if he's around for dinner with us, he didn't even look at me. He looks scared and seems like he's hiding something from me. I found what's it bout but, I just played it cool at first. But, after he knew that I've a document that's against him, where it'll destroyed him, he became someone that I didn't know.

"Yea, but, I came back home cause I can't find it. So where did you hide it?? If you listen to me and just do what I just said, we will be fine. I can promised you that."

"We? It's you, yourself that you should save. You involve in my father's case, Daniel.... There's even evidence but, I don't know why you're helping me as if you're innocence. Stop pretending and making a promise if you can't keep it. I'll never give it to you that easily."

"It's not me, okay? It's just someone that I know and I've to do what that person told me because my mum's life is on the line. She's dying, Callie.... I do have enough money to pay her hospital bills, but, still.... Please, Callie. I'm sorry for being the coward and not let the justice just do its thing here... I should just confront that person but, I'm stuck between saving mum and myself. But, if you still don't give it to me, then I've to do my way. "

"Do it your own way. I'll let you do that, even if you hurt me. I can't just let you walk all over me like you did, not long after I start working. I gave you permission, here. But, I don't want to hear your sweet talks or whatever the hell it's, cause it's not going to work. My dad fucking dead and you, you literally try to save the criminal. You disgust me, Daniel. How could you?"

If his mother is really sick, why didn't he told me and maybe I can help him. What's the deal between him and that man?"Look, Callie, he's my dad. He killed your dad. I wanted to tell you this, but I can't. He's my dad, after all. I don't want to lose him."

"Huh? You're talking bout you don't want to lose him?? What about me? I lost my dad, in the way I never thought that that's the last day I met him. Mum warned me bout you but, I ignore her because you look like a good person to me.... I'm disappointed in you but, it didn't suprise me at all, anymore. I hate it, how she always right. "

I left the condo and get back to the office. After one meeting to another, the things that he told me keep playing in my head. Kev came after I told him bout Daniel's mum. He has been dad's private investigator. I thought he'd turned his back after he knew bout dad's death.

"Kev, did you find her?"

"I did, miss."

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