Chapter 5

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As we enter the emergency section, I try my best not to get weak and faint right away. I have to stay strong for my dad, since he has been one while trying to make sure I'm in a good hands. "Come on, this way." I stare at our hands and I didn't realised that I've been holding Daniel's hand since an hour ago. "Daniel?" He stopped.

"I'm sorry that I hold-

"It's fine, you need someone, right now. I'm here for you... I don't mind, Callie. Let's wait there first." He takes a sit next to me. He holds my hand tight and I've no idea why it makes me feel so damn safe."Mr Daniel, do you need anything?"

"No, I'm good but, Callie?"

"Nope, thank you."

I glance at the emergency room. I don't know how long I can wait anymore. "Daniel. Can you please let go of my hand?" He nod and did what I just said. "Thanks, if there's anything, find me at the toilet."

"I'll go with you.... My driver will stay here."

"Okay. But, just don't go inside..." A little smile spreads across his face. "I don't even plan to do that... Not a perv, Callie." He walks behind me. He keeps looking around, as if he needs to stay alert and that murderer possibly could be here. "Wait for me here."

"Don't worry, I'll." I get into the toilet and quickly splash the water to my face. I finally feel so much better and fresh than before. I send a text to Dale and Becca. I just hope they're safe. I don't want to lose them either. I try to call mum but, she didn't answered.

I make my way out of the toilet. But, there's no sight of Daniel. I'm sure he was standing just next to the toilet door.  "Daniel?" I said. "Hey, I'm here... Down here." I see him, lying on the floor. He slowly gets up from where he's at as he rubbed his eyes. "What happened to you??" He yawned. "I guess, it's my bedtime."

"You can go home and just take a rest.... You don't need to wait for me." He shook his head. "I can't leave you alone, Cal. I'll get you bodyguards later. I'm going to be busy and no one's going to look after you." I sighed. He sounds exactly like my dad now but, can he just stop worrying bout me as if I'm still a kid?

"Do whatever you want, Daniel."

As we get back, his driver already drifted asleep, while sitting on the chair. "Don't wake him up..." We wait for another 1 hour but, the doctor still haven't came out from the emergency room. "Da-

His head already on the top of my shoulder. Why does he looks so cute even when he's sleeping? Can this man get evenmore cuter?

"May I know anyone-

"I'm Mr Troy's daughter."

"Miss, I'm sorry to break this news to you. I know how do you feel and, I hope you can accept my condolence. We've been trying to save him but, unfortunately, he didn't make it. I'm so sorry, miss..."

"It's fine. Anyway, thank you for trying your best to save him..." I check my phone and there's 5 missed calls from mum. "Mum..."I said, trying not to let my voice cracks.

"Dear, is everything okay there??"

"Dad.... He's, he's already left us, mum."

"What do you mean, Callie?" I wipe my tears. "He's dead, mum. Someone shot him and the injury was serious and they can't saved him... Mum, can you please come to the hospital right now?" I said, as my voice starts to sound a bit shaky. Only god knows how bad I want to cry and shout as loud as I can. "Okay, I'll be there as soon as I can. Are you alone?"

"No, I'm with Daniel and his driver."

"I'm glad to hear that. Just stay wherever you are, Callie... I'll call you back once I arrive... Take care. " She ended the call. I look down and Daniel's hand still in mine. "Callie??"

"Y-yes? You're awake??"

"I'm...." He yawn again and blinked twice. "So, my dad, he, he's gone, Daniel..."He stare at me blankly."He? He what??" I let out a sigh.

"Let's just say that, he's not longer alive... The doctor just confirmed it minutes ago."

"Why you didn't told me?" I didn't say anything. I look at him and he pulled me into a hug and stroke my back. "Cry as much as you want." I let my tears roll down cheeks. "I promise you that you're going to be safe as long as you're with me."

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