Chapter 18

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"Why are you here?" I asked. "I'm sorry if you have to be the victim here." He said. "I bet that guy is aiming me. I wouldn't let he hurt innocent people like you." I slowly, try to let go of his hand. "I'm sorry-

"It's fine. I'm all good. You better go home now. It's late... " He glanced at the clock. It's already eleven past ten but he didn't even get up from the chair. "I better stay here until Stella come. I don't think it'd be safe to leave you alone.... Don't worry bout your mum. She will be here soon."


"It's just something that I suppose to do, right?" I nod. It's so obvious he wants nothing to do with me. But, I just hope Stella would never set us up anymore. "Stella gotta stop trying to make us end up together." I joked. "I know her so damn well."

"I'll make sure she won't." I added. I finally got discharged a few days after that. It was just a minor cut or else I'm going to end up staying at the hospital for, only god knows how long it'd be.

"Stefan, I already told you I'll get home by myself."

"Seriously, Callie? Can you please stop being so stubborn??" He takes the clothes I've wore and put it in the bag.
"Are you mad? Did I just ruin-

"No!" He shouted at me. I never heard he screamed like that. Somehow, it feels like he just snapped at me and I've no idea why the fuck he's acting like that. Before I say something I'm going to regret, I choose to keep my mouth shut and remains silent. "See? Stef, if you do this because of my mum asks you, then don't do it if you don't want or you've got other plans. I'm sorry if you think I'm such a burden... It's only going to make me feel bad at you, Stefan. Stop, okay? I already talked to your mum and I'm going to resign...."

I take my bag from him."Thank you." I left the hospital and get into the taxi. I wait at the lobby while mum is on her way back. "Welcome home, Calliena." I do recognise that voice. I turned aroun and "Daniel, what do you want?"

"Let's talk. I don't want to die before we get our business done."

"Sure. Where can I meet you?" He sends me location. "Isn't this the address to my dad's?" He let out a chuckle. "Yes, I know. Meet me there at 5 pm. Don't bring anyone, get it?"




"Oh, hi my lovely sista."

"Where's Callie? Isn't she suppose to stay with us?? Her mum isn't in town and she's still recovering..."

"She doesn't want to. I don't want to drag her into the car as if I'm kidnapping her.... Stel, why don't you go to the condo and visit her? I'm suppose to go out with Laura this evening.. But, you know what, I've to cancel it. Why don't you do me a favor just now? Me and Callie, we'll never work."

"Again, Laura the pony. If Callie didn't helped you, I don't think you're here talking to me. Why don't you just freaking stop blaming Callie??"

"Stella. I don't want to argue with you, but, then here we go again. I don't blame her, okay? It's just, I rather go back and live a life without us, arguing all the time, which is, you with your life while me, with my life... Eversince we came back here, everything went wrong. You always said that Laura is just a slut and I should end things with her. I didn't asked her to help me. Of course, she always play a victim and acts like a fucking angel or saint."

"Stef, who the fuck are you? I don't recall having a brother like you. You should be grateful because it's not you have to spend days at the hospital. Even until now, Daniel is still out there. She's my friend, more like a sister to me. If she's dead, I lost the only friend that I've for life. Just because of Laura, you suddenly changed? I know she's your girlfriend but, if she's really acting like one, she'd understand you and go to the hospital with you. But, instead she said you're cheating on her? If you want to leave, leave now... Just go back with your Laura."


"Hey,you're late." Daniel takes out a chair and sit on it. "I need to get some of things done. So, here is the deal. I know the police seems like they're chasing after me instead of my father, or both. It's either you said that the evidence was fake and my father is innocent or I'll take your life and makes those who are in your life suffer. Choose wisely, Callie. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. The clock is ticking, baby."

"It's not fair, Daniel. You told me that it's a deal but why, it's only you, that get the benefit from it? Where's mine?!"

"Fine. 3rd option, you have to leave the town asap without telling anyone.... Including your mum. Then, I won't bother you or others, anymore. Stop wasting time and give me your answer."

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