Chapter 13

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"Thank you, Kev. If there's any update, just text or call me. You don't have to be here to tell me. Get it?" He nodded. "I'll be waiting for my money, miss."

"Yea, don't worry about that."

I went home early today. "Hey, darling." Mum said. "Hey...." I know she's going to attack me with lots of questions later. I walk as fast as I can and get into my room. I'm too tired to talk at the moment. "Daniel?" I hang up the call. I don't think I can deal with him either. "Why life gets so so tiring and, everything went wrong? Dad, I missed you..."

Kevin send me a text, asking me to bank in the money into his bank account. "Geez, this dude."

"Hello? Honey, what's up?"

"Do you want to go out tonight? It's been months we didn't go to the club, Callie." Honey always, always with her busy schedule. She whines I have no time for her and hang out a bit. But, she's the one who's literally forgot about my existence.

"Honey, I, don't want to go to the club again... I've been trying not to fall back into the old self me." She sighed. "You're really, different now? What has gotten into you? I haven't seen you and Daniel going out. Is this about him?"

She brings up about Daniel. "Daniel and I, we, there's nothing between us.... I know you've been seeing him. Don't lie." Even if she's not here with me, I know she's probably panicking there. "How did you know?" She asked. "I've got my source. Why? Do you think you want to keep it lowkey and never tell me? What has gotten into you, Honey? That's the right question for you, not me."

Honey probably like my ally. But, since she's been lying to me about her relationship, I don't think I can just believe her just like I usually did. I know, she's still on my side but, I know Daniel. He won't let that happened or else his career will be ruined.

"We'll talked once you're in a good mood. Bye." She ended the call. "I've to take a long hot shower. Its been a long day! Ugh." I start to do my work after resting for an hour. "Honey, let's have dinner." Mum said.

"What did you cooked?" She smiled at me. "I know you like chinese food but, we had a bitter memory at your fav chinese restaurant. So, I made your favorite, dumpling." I looked at the hot dumpling, that's still

"Thanks, mum." I give her a hug. "I know, I should've be there when you need me. I'm ashamed, of myself for not taking care of my own daughter before. I'm glad my friend wants to give the job, or else we both jobless."

"Let's just forget it and buried it in the past. We don't have to keep remembering it bout those times, mum. You're here, now. That's already makes me happy... If you want to find that special someone, go ahead." She laughed.

"Special someone? Callie, I don't need a man, as long as I've my daughter with me, nothing can beats that. I realised that I still love your dad, even if he's not here anymore with us. He's the first man, my love at first sight.... But, life isn't fairytale. Sometimes, even if you love or you don't want to lose that person but, the fate has its own way to end your story. It's either you and him will be together or you and him probably have to split up, eventually. There's no in between, Callie."

"But, being separated with each other because of death, nothing we could do to be back together again... Only memories left to be remembered." She added. "Mum, I didn't know that you're going to give me that kinda answer. This dumplings, they're good." I chewed it while holding another dumping in my hand. "Good. Eat more."

Morning comes, it's finally Friday. Fiena isn't at here. It seems the office kinda got abandoned and it's so damn quiet. "Where's anyone? Where could they be at?"


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