GTKY Chapter 10

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Chapter status: EDITED.

Laine's POV

"Uhm, dad?" I walked to my dad the moment they entered the house. It was already past 6 PM and Cass, Alex and the boys are still here.

"Hey Mr. Green!" The boys greeted him. "Yo," he answered with a wave and a small smile.

He then turned to me, "Yes, honey?"

"Uhm... The guys were asking if they could have a sleepover tonight. Can they?"

I hope he won't say yes. They would be spending the night picking up on me and Will! Please say no, please say no...

"Oooh. About that. Elsa!" Dad called mom.

She walked to us, "Laine was asking if the others can spend the night over. I'll leave the explanation to you." Then dad walked away, heading to their room upstairs.


"Laine, sweetie. Your dad and I are going with your Aunt Kristy for a business trip for two months. That's why she brought Alex with her, so you two can stay together while we're gone."

"Two months? That's a long time! Is Alex aware with this?"

"Yes, your Aunt Kristy is also explaining this to her right now, and since we're leaving tonight---"

"TONIGHT?!" Oh man, I can see where this is taking us.

"Yes, tonight. I am allowing you to let your friends stay over. Just be sure to keep the house in good condition."


"Or if you want, you can stay with Dana while we're on trip."

"No, Alex and I'd be fine here."

I walked back to the guys and slumped myself on the floor where they were all seated in a circle, disappointment written all over my face. Alex was here already, so I guess she was done with the information before me.

"So... How did it go?" Dana asked with a smirk forming on his lips.

I sighed, "Fine. You can stay here. But Alex, Cass and I are gonna take my room! You boys stay here in the living room."

"Hey, not fair, Laine! We should all take the living room!" Dalton yelled.

"What? This is my house, I get to choose where I sleep and who I sleep with." I said, crossing my arms on my chest. Alex laughed.

"She's right! And just because we're alone for two months doesn't mean we have to take the couch or the floor to sleep in!" She said.

"Alone for two months? Why?" Gabe asked her.

We told them the story of our parents going on a business trip bla bla bla and Dana and Cass seems to be delighted with this.

"Means we get to have more sleepovers at Laine's house!" Dana shouted.

"No way!" I said, laughing.

Mom, Dad and Aunt Kristy left at about 8 PM, leaving the 8 of us alone and leaving me and Alex to look after the house with these party people.

"Let's watch a movie!" Cole suggested.

"A horror movie!" Cass added. Gabe and Dana agreed with them.

"NO WAY!" Dalton, me, Alex, and Will shouted at the same time.

"I propose Hunger Games!" Dalton yelled, raising his right hand.

"Well, four against four," Dana said, "Let's do a rock-paper-scissors to know the final decision. Pick one from your group. I volunteer!"

I pushed Will, since he was the one nearest to me. Dana smirked at him, and they stood up at the same time.

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